Discussion Forum

The God Hand Challange

The idea behind this challange to is to have a deck that is more than able to make a first round kill. there are many card combos out there but the trick is that this deck must be playable in classic tournaments. The greater challange is to make one that playable in Standard tournaments. There is no limit to the number of lands or card types except that it must be legal in Classic(mtgo). Your decks can be many colors or mono color but must be able to peform a first round kill.

May the best person win and good luck. :symchaos:
Posted 26 September 2010 at 21:29


Not sure about the deck, but a godhand of four mox opal, 1 goblin guide, 1 tainted strike 1 assault strobe. And a topdecked giant growth or bull rush (so you have to go second) is an attack for at least 10 poison counters.

If we weren't sticking directly to standard it becomes Much Much easier.

There you get combos like. First turn discard two simian spirit guides, kiln fiend>Reckless Charge>Assault Strobe=20 damage. And the like. I'll make a deck for it soon.

EDIT. The deck. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=98249

Aaaaand I'm wrong. Mox Opal is Legendary so the first turn shenanigans are invalidated. I still think this deck could work on turn two of course. Although it'd be more likely to go into the jund colors in order to have access to lotus cobra or other forms of mana accel.
Posted 27 September 2010 at 19:02
