Discussion Forum

Bulk Importer - Updated


I've updated the bulk importer so that it will now parse more types!

You can do any of the following:

1 Fireball
1x Fireball
1 [WWK] Fireball
1x [WWK] Fireball

It will work out the quantity and card type for all of those and add them to your deck correctly.

In regards to the edition in square brackets, currently it will strip these out.

You should be able to paste in a variety of file types now as it will also trim out all leading whitespace on each line. Pasting in an MWS file for example, works perfectly (well the test ones have anyway ;)).

For the sideboard, all the above types will work fine, you just need to add SB: to the beginning of each row, and it will put it into the sideboard for you. If anyone has any other prefered ways of indicating it's a sideboard card, let me know.

It is also better at letting you know which cards have errord, indicating the exact row in your text which isn't importing.

Enjoy and please post any bugs in this thread - there MAY be some in regards to punctuation!



Posted 03 September 2010 at 14:51


how do i make challenges on mtgvault?
Posted 03 September 2010 at 17:01


3 Treasure Hunt apparently this little phrase parsed as 3 treasure hunter. awkward.
Posted 03 September 2010 at 18:01


The sql query had a broad match on it, i.e name + %

I've removed this, so now names must be exactly right to get pulled in, which is correct I guess!

Let me know how it goes...

Posted 03 September 2010 at 18:57
