Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: New Guild Decks

Now, I posted "New Guild Decks" and now I will explain its meaning and guidelines. First off, by "New Guild" I mean a deck that shows the same attributes of a Guild/Shard (i.e. 2-5 colors, central theme). Secondly, you cannot emulate a Guild/Shard that already exists (Sorry, no Jund emulators!) in theme. So, you can use the colors of Izzet, but you cannot make it a R/U spell deck, as this is the core of Izzet. Time for everybody's favorite part, the conditions.

1. Guild Name - Your new Guild must have a name unique to it.

2. Guild backstory - Every guild has its beginning and function. What makes yours stand out? What does it preside over in city life?

3. Guild Mechanic - What does your Guild do best?(Obviously, the Shard and Guild abilities are null)

4. Heraldry - Fly high the colors of your guild! Which colors of mana does your guild utilize?

5. Mastermind - Who is the founder of the guild? (Legendary Creatures, if you will, too few Planeswalkers and everyone will want to use them)

Good luck, and post as you will!
Posted 03 September 2010 at 00:13


Hmm sounds interesting I have an idea in mind but idk if it'll work...
Posted 03 September 2010 at 20:03


Well, I'm new to the whole 'make a deck for the challenge' thing, so I just used my goblins... The link has the whole backstory and yada yada, so I'm just going to put some basic information here.

It's named Limexnu, it's colours are :manab::manar:, and the guild mechanic is non battle damage, and finally it's mastermind is Wort.

http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=89355 Thar she blows captain.
Posted 03 September 2010 at 22:31


I'm a bit late, but this was supposed to be an example for you guys to use as a basic template.

Aetheris -
Posted 04 September 2010 at 22:20


Here's my new guild, the Idlator.
Guildmaster: Venser
Idea: Fill everyone's minds with ideas, and make sure those ideas stay there.
Colors: Venser was always conservative about his color choices before he left the guild and studied in Mirrodin. He flies a pure blue flag over his guild.


Yes I know that normal guilds fly multiple colors, but remember the back story. Venser is a trained a true scholar. He doesn't NEED anything else to accomplish his goal.
Posted 07 September 2010 at 03:37
