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Deck Challenge: T2 Leyline of Anticipation

Hey everybody. I've been trying to think of a way to take advantage of Leyline of Anticipation as best as possible in standard. I can't really think of much, so I was hoping you guys could help me out.

-Use Leyline of Anticipation to it's fullest extent
-Playable in standard
-No budget
-Any amount of colors

Thanks in advance!
Posted 25 August 2010 at 09:44


I think any deck would use it to a pretty good deck as long as it ran blue in it... Just never play anything during your turn, have mana for counter and board control, and at the endstep of their turn play creatures, burn, life gain, removal etc.
Posted 25 August 2010 at 11:45


[QUOTE=Irrelevant]I think any deck would use it to a pretty good deck as long as it ran blue in it... Just never play anything during your turn, have mana for counter and board control, and at the endstep of their turn play creatures, burn, life gain, removal etc.[/QUOTE]

The downside is that if you build your deck towards it and you don't have it in your openings hand your deck plays totally different. So it is very openings hand dependent.
Also drawing multiple copies is drawing dead cards which is very bad.

I admit that I was excited to see this card when it was spoiled but ever since I've failed to build a good deck around it.
Posted 25 August 2010 at 11:55


here is a mono blue example, no combo's. the leyline just improves the effectiveness of the deck greatly. therefore it isn't dependent on it in opening hand, but still greatly effects the game---- http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=88867
Posted 25 August 2010 at 13:25


T2 Vampire Fun with Leyline of Anticipation

Yes it's a bad idea to rely on drawing leyline in your starting hand
Yes I have no blue mana to play it if i draw it later...

but I play casually and I don't mind it, the benefits of getting the leyline in the starting hand dramatically changes game play:

Posted 25 August 2010 at 13:52


Mixing the Leyline with Allies. Making opponents discard during their turn could mean locking them in with no hand. With the allies, discard their hands and libraries, then take control of their creatures with Agadeem Occultist.

Improving the mana curve and consistency needs some attention, but here is the deck.

Posted 26 August 2010 at 01:05


here is the link to my deck i built.
i have posted it as finished but i am still finding ways to make it better.
i just add the leyline to it and i think haveing discard cards with flash would be crazy lol. look over my deck and add any advice for.
Posted 27 August 2010 at 16:59


I know the deck does not have Leyline of Anticipation in it, but if you replace the two Pyretic Rituals with 2x Leyline of Anticipations it works beautifully. There's not much better than taking one of two attacking creatures early game and blocking with one of them via Act of Treason and killing them both. Having Leyline early game in this deck gives you COMPLETE control of the early game as well as the late.

Posted 02 September 2010 at 03:59


if you play the card splitter twins on couquering manticore i heard you can use it's effect every time you make a copy of it .
Posted 02 September 2010 at 13:17


Posted 14 October 2010 at 02:23


Ive found that this card works amazingly in mill decks. if you dont get it in your openning hand, wait untill you have nothing to mill them with and drop it, sure its a dead card untill you run into said situation, but if you built your mill deck right its not a necessary card and all it does is make the victory faster.
Posted 18 July 2012 at 15:33
