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Goblin Bombardment + Karmic guide = kill right

So I was playing a game of EDH a while back and I had a karmic guide in my hand and goblin bombardment on the board. I hadn't realized it before when making the deck but the two cards together do infinite damage right? Just wanted to check to be sure.

In case it's not clear

Goblin Bombardment is on teh board and you play Karmic Guide
karmic Guide ressurection effect goes on the stack
sack karmic Guide to bombardment for 1 damage
Karmic Guide goes to the yard
stack resolves and Karmic Guide gets put back in play by its own ability
Posted 07 July 2010 at 09:27


When karmic guide enters play you must choose a target creature, even if the stack doesn't resolve to resurrect that creature until after Karmic hits the graveyard the Karmic Guide itself isn't in the graveyard for you to choose as a valid target at the moment it enters play. The issue isn't one of when the stack resolves but one of what is and is not a legal target for the triggered ability of Karmic Guide.

You are however close to the working version which is the same process but involves sacrificing a Reveillark as the last creature and then it and Karmic Guide can rubber-band each other.

Now if you had a reveillark you could drop the reveillark and karmic guide, get a random creature back, sac the karmic first and then reveillark last. Use reveillark leaving to bring back karmic and karmic's arrival to bring back reveillark and repeat.
Posted 07 July 2010 at 21:26


yeah that makes sense, thanks!

The Karmic Guide Reveillark combo I use a lot, it's just solid, hard to break (slightly cheesy) graveyard abuse. Add Gifts Ungiven to that and Eternal Witness and you start feeling like its to dirty for a casual game.
Posted 08 July 2010 at 09:06
