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can "-x/-x" be used to kill creatures?

Hey guys,

I just wanted to get a few other opinions on this.

Say i bring out Overgrown Battlement

And then a friend uses the level 4 ability of Guul Draz Assassin
to give it -4/-4 until end of turn.

Now my question is, since it reduces its toughness to 0, it kills the card, correct? Or does the damage not resolve until the end of turn, in which the ability of the Guul Draz Assassin would be lifted and his life returned to 4.
Posted 01 July 2010 at 22:27


The ability of the level 4 Gruul Draz Assassin goes ontop of the stack and resolves if there is no reaction towards the ability which would kill the 0/4 wall. If your opponent reacted to the ability and cast a spell which gave +2/+2 to the wall, then it would still survive.

This also holds true for indestructible creatures that only have a 4 or less toughness since being indestructible only clears damage done to the creature and not the -x/-x.
Posted 01 July 2010 at 22:39


Basically, and -x/-x spell/ability that reduces a creature's power to less than or equal to zero, the creature would go to the graveyard.
Posted 01 July 2010 at 22:56


If a creature's toughness is ever 0 or less, for any reason, even if that creature is indestructible, it will die and be placed into the graveyard as a state-based effect.

As with anything else in Magic though, "Except if some card says otherwise".
Posted 03 July 2010 at 09:45
