Discussion Forum

Alternate win...win....win

Can someone come up with a deck that uses as many alternate win conditions as possible... within reason.

Things such as:
Mortal Combat
Coalition Victory
Battle of Wits
Poison Counters
Felidar Sovereign
Test of Endurance
Phage the Untouchable
Barren Glory
Celestial Convergence
Epic Struggle
Helix Pinnacle
Mayael's Aria
Darksteel Reactor

So for an example you might have a:manaw::manau::manab::manag: :manar: deck with 20+++ creatures that you use to gain life, mill, draw, summon, set, protect, stall. You name it.
Who knows maybe you have 50 life and win or your creatures get destroyed and you still win. Maybe you win over time. Who knows. Yes throwing in all of these conditions would be unreasonable but I meant it for the fun of it.
Good luck.
Posted 20 June 2010 at 00:00


not sure if this is the kind of thing you are looking for, but my 5 color ally deck uses milling, loss of life, aggro, life gain, creature control...basically everything lol

Posted 20 June 2010 at 01:07


Funnily enough I built a deck like this a long time ago, even worse is it worked. I tore it apart to use the tanks in other decks after about a month of it though.

Some of what I used
Blitz Hellion
Halo Hunter
Blood Tyrant
Reya Dawnbringer
Pyrrhic Revival
Hollowborn Barghest
A few Gilded Lotus
Bloodfire Colossus
Blazing Archon
Bringer of the Black Dawn
Psychic Drain
Iona, Shield of Emeria
Lorthos, the Tidemaker
Nichol Bolas
and a few other miscs as well as a load of artifact mana producers.
Posted 20 June 2010 at 13:10


http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=72388 grindstone and painter's servant= mill win

bazaar trader, immortal coil and ravenous trap= bomb win


Liliana for tutoring and potential win

infinite mana combo and banefire= damage win

infinite mana and lich lord= life drain win

a lot of tutoring to get the combos
Posted 30 June 2010 at 05:59


Not exactly the same thing, all of my win conditions are based off infinate damage kills, but there's a lot of ways to get those infinate kills.

Posted 01 July 2010 at 17:35
