Discussion Forum

Project Casual (PrC) Here we are again!

Hello Everyone! This is Project Casual going to be started again! Here's the idea:

Project casual is a group of magic players, that play Magic using Lackey CCG. You start with a base of an Intro Pack and 3 generated booster packs (so total of 4 boosters, because Intro Packs include one), that I am going to give you as a link. You should track your collection using Lackey CCG creating a new deck to track it. --(old information) Then what happens? You may participate in tournaments, that I am going to give information to you with e-mail. In the tournaments you are going to be awarded with "Tokens" depending on your performance. The winner of each match in the Tournament posts here the result. The matches are best out of 3 system with sideboard. (old information)--

(new information) Then what happens?:
Players are allowed to play one match against each other player once per week. The match can be played at any time during the week. The results must anyhow be sent here before Sunday 17:00 GMT +1. Use e-mails to communicate and to tell each other when you are abled to play.

Matches are best out of 3 system with sideboard. Winner of each match gets 3 tokens and loser gets 1 token. Winner of the match post the result here.

As usual 60 card decks with any number of basic lands and with 15 card sideboard. So you have to use boosters to make those 41 card intro packs to 60 card decks.

Intro Packs:
There are 10 Intro Pack possibilities. They are the Intro Packs of Zendikar and Worldwake. When we have 8 players, those Intro Packs are randomly given to the players, so that there's only one copy of each intro pack (with two leftover Intro Packs, that go to 9th and 10th player)

--(old information)Tournaments:
In tournaments there are 3 Rounds! The matches are best out of 3 system with sideboard. I'm going to give you the information about the players that are going to play against each other in each round with e-mail. Tournaments are usually on Mondays and Saturdays. On monday the tournament starts at 17:00 GMT +1 and on Saturdays at 14:00 GMT +1, usually.(old information)--

Win = 3 tokens
Lose = 1 token
And what you do with these tokens? You can change your tokens to boosters on sundays. 15 tokens for one booster. I generate the boosters on sunday with that linking system also. You can buy any boosters from 4th edition to Rise of the Eldrazi.

New boosters:
I generate and post all the cards here on Sundays.

Players are free to make any trades with each other, but all the trades must be posted here clearly!

Please, give me your e-mail address and your lackey name, when you sign in, so I could give information about the tournaments to you.

Please do not double post!

Ask questions, if you have any!

My e-mail: [email protected]

We start when the 8th player has joined and after that, there are two more Intro Packs left for 2 more players!

Players in:
Finespoo ([email protected]) Cardpool: http://essentialmagic.com//Decks/View.asp?ID=800970 (tokens: 7)

Stompyrfeet ([email protected]) Cardpool: http://essentialmagic.com//Decks/View.asp?ID=800972

Whitey_mcfly ([email protected]) Cardpool: http://essentialmagic.com//Decks/View.asp?ID=800973 (tokens: 4)

Jamike84 ([email protected]) Cardpool: http://essentialmagic.com/Decks/View.asp?ID=801122

Destroyeroffaith ([email protected]) Cardpool: http://essentialmagic.com//Decks/View.asp?ID=801134

Institute ([email protected]) Cardpool: http://essentialmagic.com//Decks/View.asp?ID=801135 (tokens: 1)

Arrow ([email protected]) Cardpool: http://essentialmagic.com//Decks/View.asp?ID=801137 (tokens: 4)

NightCrawler66 ([email protected]) Cardpool: http://essentialmagic.com//Decks/View.asp?ID=801138
Posted 17 June 2010 at 13:14


stompyrfeet : [email protected]
Posted 17 June 2010 at 14:15


I was wondering why we weren't continuing. [email protected] btw, Whitey Mcfly

so will we be getting IP addresses when matches start?
Posted 17 June 2010 at 14:46


I would love to join, but can't. I'd need to get an internet connection at home first. (Dam I hate living in South Africa)
Posted 17 June 2010 at 15:16


thing is I don't know how to update Lackey to accept Rise of the Eldrazi cards
Posted 17 June 2010 at 16:28


Check Lackey CCG's websites for help! I'm not the right person to ask, because can't remember how I did get them. And of course, if you don't use ROE cards, you won't need the update :D
Posted 17 June 2010 at 18:47


Alright I got it. Thanks!
Posted 17 June 2010 at 19:18


Anyhow, when we get this started can I have the Fateblaster intro, with an M10, an ROE, and Zendikar?
Posted 17 June 2010 at 21:44


Posted 18 June 2010 at 00:36


[QUOTE=whitey_mcfly]Anyhow, when we get this started can I have the Fateblaster intro, with an M10, an ROE, and Zendikar?[/QUOTE]

We get started, when the 8th player has joined this! (It reads in the first post!!)

You are given a random Intro Pack from Zendikar or Worldwake so you can't choose it! (It reads as well in the first post!!)
Posted 18 June 2010 at 05:54


[QUOTE=Finespoo]We get started, when the 8th player has joined this! (It reads in the first post!!)

You are given a random Intro Pack from Zendikar or Worldwake so you can't choose it! (It reads as well in the first post!!)[/QUOTE]

Sorry. I didn't bother reading it because I assumed that we were doing this in the same way we did the last one.
Posted 18 June 2010 at 13:49


Sign me up! [email protected]
Posted 18 June 2010 at 18:01


I'm having trouble getting the plugin to work, I have viewed several tutorials and can't get it to work. I select magic on the plugin list then select high card quality and the url shows up in the auto update url box and It tells me

Error: timed out while trying to refresh the list of plugins

any ideas?
Posted 20 June 2010 at 07:09


try medium. that might work as well.
Posted 20 June 2010 at 11:31


name for lackeyCCG: destroyeroffaith
email: [email protected]
Posted 21 June 2010 at 09:25


Ok, I'm on board.


[email protected]
Posted 22 June 2010 at 15:45


hey, I'm no longer going to be able to be a part of this, got new hours and I'll be working a lot more, so less fun time :(

hope it all goes well, good luck to the rest of you!
Posted 22 June 2010 at 18:50


Great idea. I like the changes over the last version.

I am in!


[email protected]
Posted 23 June 2010 at 15:09


The playing system has changed!!!!

Check first post to understand the system! We have now 7 players so waiting for one more!
Posted 23 June 2010 at 15:20


As of now count me in. But i'm not really sure how this will work since i'm new, but if you can send me an email or something with everything about it that'd be awesome!

Email: [email protected]

Edit: My username on Lackey is NightCrawler66 as well.
Posted 23 June 2010 at 21:29


Okey, so it seems like we have our total of 8 players so we are ready to start!

Here come the Intro packs (I'm going to determinate them right now, during posting this, manually using d10 starting with zendikar intros. 1-8 are the players in the order they posted the /in post here. 9-10 are for the next two propable players. If number already get rolled hits, I'll reroll) :

Kor Armory (ZEN) with one ZEN booster goes to --> 4 -> Jamike84

Unstable Terrain (ZEN) with one ZEN booster goes to --> 3 -> Whitey_mcfly

Rise of the Vampires (ZEN) with one ZEN booster goes to --> 9 -> ?

Pumped Up (ZEN) with one ZEN booster goes to --> 10 -> ?

The Adventurers (ZEN) with one ZEN booster goes to --> 8 -> NightCrawler66

Flyover (WWK) with one WWK booster goes to -->3 -> 10 -> 1 -> Finespoo

Mysterious Realms (WWK) with one WWK booster goes to --> 6 -> Institute

Fangs of the Bloodchief (WWK) with one WWK booster goes to --> 4 -> 7 -> Arrow

Rapid Fire (WWK) with one WWK booster goes to --> 3 -> 8 -> 8 -> 5 -> Destroyeroffaith

Brute Force (WWK) with one WWK booster goes to --> Stompyrfeet

The booster are going to be generated for the next post!

EDIT: Add these cards to Lackey CCG. The decks are here: http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/arcana/288
And here: http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/arcana/377
Posted 23 June 2010 at 22:38


Boosters are generated in www.ccgdecks.com using sealed booster generating system. I'll start in the order Intro packs were given.

Jamike84: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=381580

Whitey_mcfly: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=381581

NightCrawler66: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=381583

Finespoo: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=381584

Institute: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=381586

Arrow: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=381587

Destroyeroffaith: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=381588

Stompyrfeet: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=381589

And you all and me have 3 more boosters, that you can decide, to be generated. I would like to have all the booster for Sunday, so we can get the "Project" started next week from Monday 28 of July. I'll put "the collections" on the first post so you can check it for trades. Ask trades by e-mail and when both agree, one of the trade members posts it here. Remember to also put card list of all cards you have in LackeyCCG so you can modify your decks more effectively.

I'll take 1xM10 1xZEN and 1xWWK as my three boosters.

EDIT: I'll generate the boosters ON TUESDAY so please wait before you get playing!

Arrow: Sent me an email telling that he wants 3xEVE
Posted 23 June 2010 at 23:02


I will take 2 zen pack and 1 wwk.

Posted 24 June 2010 at 09:58


I'll take 2 Zendikars and a Worldwake as well.
Posted 25 June 2010 at 19:42


I'll have 1 of each (M10, Zen, and WWK).

I didnt check everyones cardlist yet, but if anyone gets a whispersilk cloak id be willing to trade
Posted 26 June 2010 at 12:12


Looks like Arrow wants the God auras for that early boost in the standings. Stock up on enchantment kill guys.
Posted 29 June 2010 at 15:14


Now the time of starting Project Casual has come and the 3 starting boosters are here:
- Jamike84: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=383323
- NightCrawler66: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=383324
- Finespoo: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=383328
- Institute: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=383329
- Arrow: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=383330

The three others, that have not send the boosters they want have time to make the order until the end of this week. If the orders haven't come until Sunday, I think we have to drop you out.
So please make your orders.
Posted 29 June 2010 at 16:10


Week 26 matches:

Finespoo-Institute 2-0
Finespoo-Whitey_mcfly 2-1
Finespoo-Arrow 1-2

Please do as I do and post all the result of the matches here and edit them everytime you play against new opponent. The tokens are checked on Sunday, when you may buy new boosters and the unused tokens are listed on the first post of this Subject.
Posted 29 June 2010 at 19:09


M10, ROE, and Zendikar
Posted 29 June 2010 at 23:49


Ok my deck is pretty much completed. However I've been eyeing up any equipment cards (explorers scope, kitesail) and terramorphic expanse. If anyone feels like parting with these let me know with possible trades.
Posted 30 June 2010 at 01:18


- Whitey_mcfly: http://www.ccgdecks.com/deck_view.php?id=383529
Posted 30 June 2010 at 05:34


My trades as of now:

With jamike86: Pitfall Trap and Spidersilk Net for Ponder and Vapor Snare
Posted 30 June 2010 at 22:25



To Arrow from Whitey_McFly

Bloodchief Ascension
Grim Discovery
Giant Scorpion
Black Knight

To Whitey_McFly from Arrow

Duskdale Wurm
Nettle Sentinel (X2)
Invert the Skies
Posted 30 June 2010 at 23:18


Trade with Finespoo:

To me:
Vines of Vastwood, Prized Unicorn, and Baloth Cage Trap

To Finespoo:
Lightning Bolt, Mammoth Umbra, Kor Sanctifiers, and Stormfront Pegasus
Posted 01 July 2010 at 12:14


Match vs. Finespoo:

1-2 Finespoo
Posted 01 July 2010 at 20:04



To Arrow from Whitey_McFly

Bloodchief Ascension
Grim Discovery
Giant Scorpion
Black Knight

To Whitey_McFly from Arrow

Duskdale Wurm
Nettle Sentinel (X2)
Invert the Skies[/QUOTE]

To Arrow from Whitey McFly

Guul Draz Vampire
Demonic Appetite
Doom Blade

To Whitey McFly

Swirling Spriggan
Treasure Hunt
Posted 03 July 2010 at 01:37


Match vs. Arrow:

Whitey McFly wins 2-0
Posted 03 July 2010 at 02:16


Hey guys, sorry i haven't been on at all this week. I ended up getting sick the beginning of the week and am getting better now, but still don't feel like doing much. I'll try getting on tomorrow though!
Posted 03 July 2010 at 03:26


can people still join?? such as me >.> and i havent used lackey before
Posted 03 July 2010 at 03:30


Yea, sure! Just wait until the end of week, so you will get someone's (who's not playing) deck. Load LackeyCCG and play some matches, so you know how it works.
Posted 03 July 2010 at 16:06


Alright I am taking challenges and trades all afternoon today and all afternoon Sunday, I think. Contact me on lackey when you are ready. Or just join the game I have set up.
Posted 03 July 2010 at 18:15


Trading with Arrow:

From Arrow to me:

From me to Arrow:
Black Knight
Posted 04 July 2010 at 05:01


Last weeks matches are over and the tokens are distributed in the first post.

Since two of the players haven't be active enough they are dropped out and new players are abled to start playing with the dropped players' pools.

Januycheng, post your e-mail and Lackey name so I give you your cards.
Posted 05 July 2010 at 19:33


Week 27:

Finespoo-Institute 2-1
Finespoo-Arrow 1-2
Posted 09 July 2010 at 16:33


Project Casual is freezed for at least 2 weeks, because of low level of activation! I will check after those two weeks, if there is then some interest.
Posted 10 July 2010 at 01:17


Gah... I know what you mean. Destroyer and Jamike don't participate, and Institute quit. I haven't heard much from Nightcrawler either. As far as I know, it's just you, me, and Arrow.

Anyhow, when I post about PrC on Lackey, people always wonder what it is. We can always use Lackey to advertise.
Posted 10 July 2010 at 01:33


You have to sign me up for the next one! Not familiar with lackey so I don't have a lacky name but my email is [email protected] If you've got time could you send me an email to briefly explain it all cause like I say I'm new to it.
Posted 10 July 2010 at 02:17
