Discussion Forum

Type 2 Colorless Eldrazi Cascade.

You heard right. I want to see what you guys can do with this. Completely colorless is probably out of the question, as sitting around til turn 8 to cast an eldrazi guy is pretty bad, but I want to see someone build a functional deck using Maelstrom Nexus, then hardcasting a big eldrazi guy into another big eldrazi guy. Wouldn't that be epic? throwing down Emrakul and cascading into Kozilek or something? Anyways. I want to see what you guys can come up with.


Must use Maelstrom Nexus.

Must reliably cascade from a big eldrazi to another big eldrazi at least most of the time. If that means throwing in bloodbird or something else with cascade to clear out smaller eldrazi drones for spawn, then so be it.

Min/max 60 card.

Get to it!
Posted 27 May 2010 at 05:04


Here's my entry into this challenge:
Posted 01 June 2010 at 11:29
