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Friday Night Update #2
MTG Vault News
Not much news to report really, I've not done too much to the site, a few bug fixes here and there but not really had much spare time to do anything big yet. The thing I've been doing mostly the past couple of weeks is spreading the word that we're back, getting linked up again and working on social networking such as our MTG Vault Facebook Group and Twitter.
It would be nice if you guys could help us with some theme deck building; there's currently 38 complete out of 138 so there's still plenty to be done. If you're willing to help out check out this thread.
One observation thus far is the lack of use of the voting system, I'm not entirely sure why this is, maybe you guys have some ideas? Hit me!
MTG Vault Additions
Two changes to the homepage this week, nothing big but I think it makes a big difference especially seeing more things coming through under news, just makes the site feel more lively.
* Changed the homepage to show 25 articles under the news heading, these articles are pulled from news, bugs and competitions instead of just news.
* 15 decks are now listed under both new decks and most rated decks instead of 10.
MTG Vault Bug Fixes
I've fixed a few bugs that have popped up as and when I have the time, they're as follows:
* Fixed delete card confirmation box in FireFox - CSS issue.
* Fixed aura's from showing under anything other than enchantments in both the deck viewer and the deck editor.
* Security issue regarding cards saved to users decks has been fixed.
* Fixed the profile page so you can scroll through the pages properly.
* Autocarding now works with cards that have apostrophes in their names.
Currently Working On
I'll create a list this time of the things I want to be working on but haven't gotten around to yet.
* The ability to remove decks from a users account.
* The ability to flag inappropriate comments on your decks.
* The ability to edit or remove your own comments.
* Need to be able to edit the colours of a deck.
* Be nice to have a colourless option when creating/editing decks.
* Continue work on my bulk card importer tool so we can add cards to decks much quicker.
* Ability to mark a deck as a work in progress/private and therefore have it not show up on the homepage or in the deck search.
* Deck tagging would solve a lot of problems with categorising decks.
* Notifications when decks are commented on.
There's so much more I want to do; Friends lists, messaging, deck downloads, deck importing, the list is practically endless but the above are what I see as a priority for now and I'll use it as a TODO list unless anything else pops up.
That's it for now folks!
229 posts
Posted 28 February 2009 at 01:40
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229 posts
Hmm, turns out it's actually Monday morning now, nevermind! :p
Posted 28 February 2009 at 01:40
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