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Magic 2010

I've just finished reading an article about some very big changes that are going to be happening in the world of magic; the way core sets work will be changing big-time!

[quote]Starting this summer, the core set is getting a significant facelift in an attempt to return it to some of its original resonant glory. Tell your friends: Get ready for Magic 2010.[/quote]The general idea for all of this is to make the game more approachable for new players and there's nothing wrong with that idea! Core sets will now be released once per year in order to keep a "much more structured and predictable release schedule". Because of this new faster turnover the format rotation will also be changing making the release of the first set of a new block the only rotation each year.

I'm not going to bother re-writing the entire source article in here so I urge you to go and read it for yourselves.

To read the full article by Aaron Forsythe click here.

What do you think about these changes?
Posted 23 February 2009 at 22:42


Intresting, very intresting. I believe it has to do in part to people's affection of the Time Spiral block. It was random, yet coheart. The cards didn't follow an outline, like Lorwyn and 'Tide were class and race, Shards, Conflux, and Alara Reborn are following the 3 colors of each shard, and Shadowmoor and Eventide were "colors matter".

I am for one, a fan of these changes. But we'll have to wait and see in June (or was it July....)
Posted 23 February 2009 at 23:34


I personally like most of the changes, esp. the new content in the set, but I'm kinda concerned about the ramped up release schedule. It almost seems to me that wotc has ramped up the production from what I was used to back in the day, has Hasbro told them to make more money at all costs? I guess I'm just worried about consumer burn out and then a huge drop in magic. Worst case scenario Hasbro just drops them and then who knows? Having said that I think the Efreet is weirdly sexy in a kind of kick your own ass way. I mean possible enchantment removal for red? On a 6/4 body? I'm just sad that it's a huge creature and not a 2/2 for three mana.
Posted 24 February 2009 at 05:39


Yes, but will they reprint unholy strength with the pentagram picture? :cool:
Posted 24 February 2009 at 14:44


I agree with ozymandias, it does seem like just more and more cards that you have to buy.

I guess I just don't like spending money and this will just discourage me from buying new sets, I think infact they should go the other way and release less cards per year, or well... you are just wasting your money on some pieces of card that won't be any use in a few months (or so it seems)
Posted 24 February 2009 at 22:13


I've read elsewhere that the sets are going to be smaller overall(esp. m10), but it's the release schedule that concerns me. I don't really care about the rotation schedule as I really only play legacy/vintage, but it's the health of the game that concerns me. However, I'm sure that Wizards has at least made some attempt to look at this and are sure of their viability- I'm just playing the chicken little role I guess.

As for unholy strength being reprinted with the pentagram- we can only hope.
Posted 25 February 2009 at 21:26


You know Wizards isn't allowed to print the pentagram, or any religious, anti-religious, or subjective symbols? Back in the days (I forget which set, around 4th or 5th) Wizards got sued for printing cards with names like "Demon" and "Lord" and for symbols, like the pentagram. They recieved the right to again use names like "Demon" around Invasions, or Scourge (like I said, I don't know exactly) but they were told to not return to using suggestive symbols. Just thought I'd give you a piece of MTG history. I for a fact though would love to see the pentagram artwork again, but that's not going to happen.
Posted 26 February 2009 at 02:38


That's our politically correct world for you, lame.
Posted 26 February 2009 at 10:35


they're also going to be reprinting phasing and banding, but i don't know whether or not they're printing any in M'10 or not
Posted 20 June 2009 at 07:07
