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Card Set

I have a question to all of you judges out there about cards. Say if i had a unlimited edition alpha Nightmare(which i don't) would i be able to use it in a standard match due to the fact that it was reprinted in M10? My question is about all cards like that, like a revised lightning bolt, or a 10th edition naturalize.

Thanks for all help:)
Posted 02 March 2010 at 23:39


I was told that you could as long as the card had no functional differences, but the card would behave as though it were the modern version (oracle text). So lightning bolt wouldn't be able to target a planeswalker since the modern version says creature or player.
Posted 03 March 2010 at 03:59


Wait, you can't target a planeswalker with a lightning bolt?!?!?!?!?!?
Posted 03 March 2010 at 04:52



No, you can, i was wrong. Still learning about planeswalkers.
Posted 03 March 2010 at 05:13


You can use any card you like as long as it is legal for the tournament type you are playing. Nightmare was reprinted and as such every Nightmare ever printed is now standard legal.
Posted 03 March 2010 at 07:55


Ok, good. I've got about 10 revised(i think) lightning bolts, good to know i can use those in standard:)
Posted 03 March 2010 at 14:06


stupid planeswalkers and their stupid rules. Lightning Bolt can never target a planeswalker. However, after the spell resolves, if you targeted a player that isn't you with it and want to hit their planeswalker, you can redirect it. And that is how bolt hits planeswalkers.
Posted 04 March 2010 at 08:41
