Discussion Forum

Friday Night Update #1

MTG Vault News

I guess the news this week is that I'm going to try and keep you guys updated on what's going on with MTG Vault, it may not be every week but I'll do my best to keep you up-to-date.

So, this is our first week back after pretty much five months away and it's going great, I couldn't have asked for more! We've got new users registering, old friends returning and LOADS of new decks being added to the system every day. here's some numbers for you from the past week:

New Registrations: 139
Returning Users: 51
New Decks: 196
Deck Comments: 119
Deck Votes: 90

Not bad for less than a week! :)

MTG Vault Additions

This week I've not added a lot as I was mostly fixing random bugs I had been finding and generally just keeping an eye on the site to make sure things were running smoothly.

* Setup a thread to get people helping me with putting all the official theme decks into the system.
* Added a links page.
* Added the dreaded ads underneath the navigation (sorry to all the haters).
* Added deck links to the view deck and edit deck pages.

MTG Vault Bug Fixes

* Fixed a pretty big bug with the voting system; I'd noticed some people had managed to put several votes against a deck so I went about trying to recreate this bug myself and found that if you refreshed the view deck page directly after a vote, the vote count would increase - doh, rookie mistake! Added a fix to check the votes before inserting so this can't happen anymore.
* Fixed an issue with the card search where if you tried to use an apostrophe the page threw an error.
* Vigean Hydropon was named incorrectly in the database, this is fixed now.

Currently Working On

The one thing I've been worried about is the speed of building decks, so if you guys could give me some feedback on that I'd be grateful. I have started working on a bulk card importer to be used as an additional deck building tool; The idea is that you get a large textbox where you can put in a list of cards in a format like "1xEnduring Ideal, 3xBirds of Paradise" etc. and the page will then add these cards to your deck, but it's in VERY early stages at the moment. :P

There's several things I want to do but I'm not entirely sure what to do first, If you guys have any suggestions feel free to let me know.
Posted 14 February 2009 at 01:06


We still cannot delete decks, which is really a pain, we also cannot edit the color of an existing deck, and deck owners cannot delete comments on their decks! It's really lame. But MTG Vault is back and i love it! just try to fix those things
Posted 14 February 2009 at 13:46


Ok, I'll work on those things next! :)
Posted 14 February 2009 at 13:52


the other thing which would be good is a coulourless option! in the colour selection as i have an old mirodin block deck which is nearly completly colourless and would be kool to be able to add have that as a selection.

and on speed wise when you search for cards having a qty box would be good so you could search for the card and when selecting there could be a box for qty so you put 3 click the add card button and it would add 3 cards to the list!!! would speed things up a touch!!

Sean aka bikersheep1984
Posted 15 February 2009 at 13:03


Noticed a mistake: Vivid Meadow (Lorwyn-Land) is classified as a Basic Land-Swamp.
Posted 15 February 2009 at 19:43


Ok guys, I've just formatted my PC and I'll be away till the end of this weekend so there won't be any work done until I get back and can reinstall everything.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Posted 16 February 2009 at 18:57


[quote=randomryan]Noticed a mistake: Vivid Meadow (Lorwyn-Land) is classified as a Basic Land-Swamp.[/quote]

Fixed now! :)
Posted 17 February 2009 at 09:18


You might also want to look into this cool thing that wikipedia does. It's a text box for searching for articles, but when you start typing in what you're looking for, it begins to search automatically, and a scroll down appears with the most accurate matches. It would really make deck building faster.
Posted 18 February 2009 at 03:59
