Discussion Forum

Help required, apply within...

Right guys, I have a request.

I want to get all the pre-constructed theme decks into vault under a new "mtgvault" username I've created and I need some help to do it. A list of all the theme decks can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_aflame

Here is an example deck I've made: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=14904. As you can see I've got the deck description along with all the cards from the theme deck and this is the format I want.

So, how do you help me? You pick a theme deck from the list above and create it under your own vault account. Once you're done, post a link to the deck in here and I will transfer it from your vault account to the mtgvault one.

What do you get for helping me? How about a friendly hug? :)

EDIT: Just so you all know, once I have all these theme decks in the system I'll be adding quick links in the menu so we can all get to them quickly, once I have a fair amount of these theme decks done, I'll put the links up.
Posted 09 February 2009 at 23:33


It takes between five and ten minutes to transcribe a deck. If you'd like to contribute (which you do!), you can go to the MTG Wiki for decklists.

Bold is the set.
Linked are the completed decks, with credit given to the user who did the dirty work.
Plain text are the decks given no love; cold and alone in a bitter, cruel world.

Progress: 52/203

Alara Reborn http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/alarareborn_r.gif
Legion Aloft - Gen
Unnatural Schemes - Gen
Dead Ahead - Gen
Rumbler - Gen
Eternal Siege - Gen

Apocalypse http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/apocalypse_r.gif
Burial -Rendman
Pandemonium -Rendman
Swoop -Rendman
Whirlpool -Rendman

Betrayers of Kamigawa http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/betrayersofkamigawa_r.gif
Dark Devotion -Gen
Ninjutsu -Gen
Rats' Nest -Gen
Spiritcraft -Gen

Champions of Kamigawahttp://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/championsofkamigawa_r.gif
Kami Reborn -Gen
Snake's Path -Gen
Spiritbane -Gen
Way of the Warrior -Gary

Coldsnap http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/coldsnap_r.gif
Auroch Stampede -Rendman
Beyond the Grave -Rendman
Kjeldoran Cunning -Rendman
Snowscape -Rendman

Conflux http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/conflux_r.gif
Bant on the March -Six.Degrees
Esper Air Assault -Six.Degrees
Grixis Shambling Army -Loashang
Jund Appetite for War -Six.Degrees
Naya Domain -Loashang

Darksteel http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/darksteel_r.gif
Master Blaster -Lawlessurchin
Mind Swarm -Lawlessurchin
Swarm & Slam -Lawlessurchin
Transference -Lawlessurchin

Dissension http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/dissension_r.gif
Azorious Ascendant -Six.Degrees
Rakdos Bloodsport -Six.Degrees
Simic Mutology -Six.Degrees

Duel Decks
Elves vs. Goblins
Jace vs. Chandra
Divine vs. Demonic - Six.Degrees &

Eighth Edition http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/eighthedition_r.gif
Expulsion -Gary
Heavy Hitters -Gary
Life Boost -Gary
Sky Slam -Gen
Speed Scorch -Gen

Eventide http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/eventide_r.gif
Battle Blitz -Randomryan
Death March - Thatoneguy
Life Drain -Randomryan
Sidestep - Thatoneguy
Superabundance - Thatoneguy

Exodus http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/exodus_c.gif
Dominator - Gen
Groundbreaker -Gen
White Heat - Gen
Widowmaker - Gen

Fifth Dawn http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/fifthdawn_u.gif
Nuts and Bolts - Gen
Special Forces - Kangol
Stampede - Gen
Sunburst - Gen

Future Sight http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/futuresight_c.gif
Fate Blaster - Gen
Future Shock - Gen
Rebels Unite - Gen
Suspended Sentence - Gen

Guildpact http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/guildpact_c.gif
Code of the Orzhov - Gen
Gruul Wielding - Gen
Izzet Gizmometry - Gen

Invasion http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/invasion_c.gif
Blowout - Gen
Dismissal - Gen
Heavy Duty - Gen
Spectrum - Gen

Judgment http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/judgment_c.gif
Air Razers - Gen
Inundation - Gen
Pain Flow - Gen
Spectral Slam - Gen

Legions http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/legions_c.gif
Elvish Rage - Gen
Morph Meyhem - Gen
Sliver Shivers - Gen
Zombies Unleashed - Gen

Lorwyn http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/lorwyn_r.gif
Boggart Feast -Gary
Elementals Path -Gary
Elvish Predation -Gary
Kithkin Militia-Gary
Merrow Riverways -Gary

Magic 2010 http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/magic2010_c.gif
Death's Minions - Gen
Firebomber - Gen
Nature's Fury - Gen
Presence of Mind - Gen
We are Legion - Gen

Mercadian Masques http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/mercadianmasques_c.gif
Deepwood Menace - Gen
Disruptor - Gen
Rebel's Call - Gen
Tidal Mastery - Gen

Mirrodin http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/mirrodin_u.gif
Bait and Bludgeon - Kangol
Little Bashers - Gen
Sacrificial Bam - Gen
Wicked Bog - Gen

Morningtide http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/morningtide_c.gif
Battalion - Gen
Going Rogue - Gen
Shamanism - Gen
Warrior's Code - Gen

Nemesis http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/nemesis_c.gif
Breakdown - Gen
Eruption - Gen
Mercenaries - Gen
Replicator - Gen

Ninth Edition http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/ninthedition_c.gif
Army of Justice - Gen
Custom Creatures - Gen
Dead Again - Gen
Lofty Heights - Gen
World Aflame - Gen

Odyssey http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/odyssey_c.gif
Liftoff - Gen
One-Two Punch - Gen
Pressure Cooker - Gen
Trounce-O-Matic - Gen

Onslaught http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/onslaught_c.gif
Bait and Switch - Gen
Celestial Assault - Gen
Devastation - Gen
Ivory Doom - Gen

Planar Chaos http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/planarchaos_c.gif
Endless March - Gen
Ixidor's Legacy - Gen
Rituals of Rebirth - Gen
Unraveling Mind - Gen

Elemental Mastery - Gen
Metallic Dreams - Gen
Strike Force - Gen
Zombie Empire - Gen

Planeshift http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/planeshift_c.gif
Barrage - Gen
Comeback - Gen
Domain - Gen
Scout - Gen

Prophecy http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/prophecy_c.gif
Distress - Gen
Pummel - Gen
Slither - Gen
Turnaround - Gen

Ravnica: City of Guilds http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/ravnicacityofguilds_c.gif
Charge of the Boros - Gen
Dimir Intrigues - Gen
Golgari Deathcreep - Gen
Selesnya United - Gen

Saviours of Kamigawa http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/savioursofkamigawa_c.gif
Critical Mass - Gen
Soratami's Wisdom - Gen
Spirit Flames - Gen
Truth Seekers - Gen

Scourge http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/scourge_c.gif
Goblin Mob - Gen
Max Attack - Gen
Pulverize - Gen
Storm Surge - Gen

Seventh Edition http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/seventhedition_u.gif
Armada - Gen
Bomber - Gen
Decay - Gen
Infestation - Gen
Way Wild - Kangol

Shadowmoor http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/shadowmoor_c.gif
Army of Entropy - Gen
Aura Mastery - Gen
Mortal Coil - Gen
Overkill - Gen
Turnaround - Gen

Shards of Alara http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/shardsofalara_c.gif
Bant Exalted - Gen
Esper Artifice - Gen
Grixis Undead - Gen
Naya Behemoths - Gen
Primordial Jund - Gen

Stronghold http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/stronghold_c.gif
Call of the Kor - Gen
Migraine - Gen
The Sparkler - Gen
The Spikes - Gen

Tempest http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/tempest_c.gif
Deep Freeze - Gen
Flames of Rath - Gen
The Slivers - Gen
The Swarm - Gen

Tenth Edition http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/tenthedition_c.gif
Arcanis' Guile - Gen
Cho-Manno's Resolve - Gen
Evincar's Tyranny - Gen
Kamahl's Temper - Gen
Molimo's Might - Gen

Time Spiral http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/timespiral_c.gif
Fun with Fungus - Gen
Hope's Crusaders - Gen
Reality Fracture - Gen
Sliver Evolution - Gen

Torment http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/torment_c.gif
Grave Danger - Gen
Insanity - Gen
Sacrilege - Gen
Waking Nightmares - Gen

Urza's Destiny http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/urzasdestiny_c.gif
Assassin - Gen
Battle Surge - Gen
Enchanter - Gen
Fiendish Nature - Gen

Urza's Legacy http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/urzaslegacy_c.gif
Crusher - Gen
Phyrexian Assault - Gen
Radiant's Revenge - Gen
Time Drain - Gen

Urza's Saga http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/urzassaga_c.gif
Sleeper - Gen
Special Delivery - Gen
The Plague - Gen
Tombstone - Gen

Brute Force - Gen
Rapid Fire - Gen
Fangs of the Bloodchief - Gen
Mysterious Realms - Gen
Flyover - Gen

Zendikar http://www.mtgvault.com/images/expansion/Zendikar_c.gif
Kor Armory - Danokozmo
Pumped Up - Gen
Rise of the Vampires - Danokozmo
The Adventurers - Gen
Unstable Terrain - Danokozmo

p.s. First post. neener neener
Posted 10 February 2009 at 00:48


EDIT: Excellent idea, should've thought of that myself!

Thanks for sorting it out and for helping with the site, I appretiate it! :)
Posted 10 February 2009 at 00:54


If people want to help out simply make the deck in your account and then put a post in here with the deck name and a link to it like this:

Lorwyn - Boggart Feast

Then either Six.Degrees or I will update the list and I will transfer the deck to the mtgvault account.

Thanks to all who help! :)
Posted 10 February 2009 at 10:36


A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step...

Apocalypse - Burial

Posted 10 February 2009 at 11:18


All 4 of the Betrayers set done
Posted 10 February 2009 at 14:56


Thanks guys, transferred and marked on the list! :)
Posted 10 February 2009 at 19:13


Done, search for Grixis Shambling Army

Now with link xD
Posted 10 February 2009 at 21:29


[quote=loashang]Done, search for Grixis Shambling Army[/quote]


Guys can you give me the link to the deck you've created please it makes life a little easier, thanks! :)
Posted 10 February 2009 at 21:36


Naya Domain done


I'm too lazy atm, may do some tommorrow
Posted 10 February 2009 at 21:55


Brilliant thanks, marked off the list and transferred to mtgvault account! :)
Posted 10 February 2009 at 22:02


I don't have too much time for that right now, but I will handle 10 of them over the weekend :D
Posted 11 February 2009 at 03:09


Apocalypse - Pandemonium

Posted 11 February 2009 at 11:19


Working on Champions

3 done
Posted 11 February 2009 at 12:33


Apocalypse - Swoop

Posted 11 February 2009 at 21:29


Thanks guys, moved decks and updated list. I've also fixed Vigean Hydropon so you should be able to find it now.

Keeps those decks coming! :)
Posted 11 February 2009 at 23:30


Apocalypse - Whirlpool

Posted 12 February 2009 at 13:57


All Coldsnap done:

Cold Snap - Aurochs Stampede

Cold Snap - Beyond the Grave

Cold Snap - Kjeldoran Cunning

Cold Snap - Snowscape
Posted 12 February 2009 at 14:55


Can't find a deck description for Whirlpool anywhere :S

The best I've found is:

[QUOTE]The Whirlpool deck is built to give opponents that sinking feeling. Burn cards and counterspells control the board, and Whirlpool creatures make sure other players never resurface.[/QUOTE]
Posted 12 February 2009 at 19:27


Doing Darksteel. I will do the entire mirrodin block this weekend. Darksteel will be done by the time you read this, working on the last precon right now.
Posted 14 February 2009 at 18:45


Excellent, thanks!

Update: I've just finished adding Lorwyn while I was on lunch at work, hehe. :)
Posted 17 February 2009 at 14:48


Eventide-Battle Blitz


Eventide-Life Drain


P.S.--I'll keep working on the other Eventide pre-cons
Posted 17 February 2009 at 16:34


Darksteel - Master Blaster Deck Description:

The point of the "Master Blaster" deck is to blow things up. Well, that's not the whole point. It's also about cards that are really tough to deal with. In other words, the "Master Blaster" deck tries to destroy as much as it can while making it as difficult as possible for opponents to slog through its powerful threats.

Darksteel Brute is virtually unstoppable. It attacks and blocks forever. It lives through Wrath of God and Naturalize. It just will not die. Your opponents will absolutely hate it. Another troublesome creature for opponents is Duskworker. Because it's very hard to destroy when it attacks, you can just stay on the offensive with it every turn without fear. Most people don't play decks that can block high-powered monsters coming across the table turn after turn, so Duskworker can be pretty intense.

The most versatile card in the deck has to be Gemini Engine. See if you can pull off this trick: Play Grab the Reins (paying the entwine cost) to steal an opponent's Arcbound modular creature (for example, a 3/3 Arcbound Bruiser). Then sacrifice the modular creature to destroy another enemy creature and put its counters on your Gemini Engine so both "halves" get the bonus. Take that, modular guy!

Now let's switch to the "blow things up" end. Pulse of the Forge lets you deal damage over and over--you might actually want to take mana burn in an earlier phase so that you can play this spell again! Fireball is perhaps the coolest X-spell of all time and it can blast multiple things at once, including opponents. Barbed Lightning, like Fireball, gives you a many choices when deciding what or who should be your next target.

There are two main ways to win with the "Master Blaster" deck. The simplest is to attack, and if something gets in your way, blow it up. Strong philosophy. If that doesn't work, try defending with creatures like Steel Wall, Darksteel Brute, and Hematite Golem until you can play Fireball or Pulse of the Forge to take your opponent out-a tried-and-true endgame strategy.


I will post more of these that I find, in addition to other precon decks.

Posted 18 February 2009 at 10:53


Darksteel - Mind Swarm precon deck description:

These decks need their title renamed to match the rest of the precon decks. They need their set name prepended to include the set name at the beginning.


The "Mind Swarm" deck is fun to play because it has multiple paths to victory. At heart it's a black weenie deck that tries to quickly reduce your opponent's life total with aggressive flying creatures. It includes several excellent pieces of Equipment to enhance these creatures. But "Mind Swarm" also features a strong discard theme, and you can use these "hand destruction" cards to disrupt your opponents' game plans before they get going. Geth's Grimoire combines very well with these effects--every time you force opponents to discard a card, you get to draw a card. If you hit them with Wrench Mind, you may even be able to draw two cards!

For the midgame, the deck has a number of decent creature-removal spells. In general, save these for any creature that can stop your fliers from getting through (as opposed to, say, an annoying ground-pounder). It's fine to trade damage with your opponent. Use Leonin Bola to tap potential blockers or to stop opposing monsters from attacking you. If you have multiple untapped creatures and enough mana, you can even use Leonin Bola to tap multiple creatures in a turn; after one creature throws it, just pass it on for another creature to use.

A couple of cards excel in the long game. Relic Bane is a great source of long-term damage. Be sure to play it on an artifact that you won't use another spell to destroy--or an indestructible artifact. Skeleton Shard is a great way to recycle your creatures late in the game.

"Mind Swarm" is designed to play well against other Mirrodin-block decks, with many cards that work well against artifacts. If you come up against opponents playing very few artifacts, you can tune the deck a bit by removing Relic Bane and Emissary of Despair. Potential replacements include any creature with an evasion ability such as fear or flying. More creature removal, or even more discard effects if your opponent is playing a very slow deck, are also good additions. Whether you're squeezing with discards or flooding with weenies, the "Mind Swarm" deck can find a way to make life difficult for your opponents.


Darksteel - Swarm & Slam


The "Swarm & Slam" deck wins by bringing out lots of creatures, then making them too tough to handle. Once you get started, you'll never stop producing creatures--except to improve on them. If you get a little time to build up, you'll have an overwhelming force.

The key card in the "Swarm & Slam" deck is Echoing Courage, since many of your cards create multiple creatures with the same name. A single Echoing Courage turns six 1/1 Insects into 18 damage headed straight at your opponent. For a really nasty surprise, play Raise the Alarm and then Echoing Courage. You suddenly go from no blockers to a pair of 3/3 Soldiers, ready and waiting to chew up your opponent's attackers. A late-game Stir the Pride can be devastating. Giving your multitude +2/+2 and the ability to gain life for you makes for a huge swing.

This deck has several creatures with protection from artifacts, so if possible, save your artifact-removal spells for noncreature artifacts. Because you have many cards--including Stir the Pride, Infested Roothold, Wirefly Hive, Spawning Pit, and Myr Matrix--that help you pull ahead in long games, don't trade damage early in the game. Instead sit back on defense and be willing to trade creatures. In the long run, you'll have many more resources than your opponent. You just need to have the time to play out all your cards.

If you're upgrading this deck, try to select creatures that have the abilities you want. For example, instead of tossing in a Deconstruct, add more Viridian Shamans to make Echoing Courage, Spawning Pit, Thunderstaff, and Stir the Pride even more effective. The "Swarm & Slam" deck can be weak against flying creatures, so adding more Tel-Jilad Archers or even a Silklash Spider or two from the OnslaughtTMset might be beneficial. And in the Mirrodin environment, it never hurts to have even more artifact removal.


Dark Steel - Transference


What's the next best thing to creatures that can't be destroyed? How about creatures that pass along their power and toughness when they're destroyed? The "Transference" deck explores the Darksteel set's modular ability. It runs plenty of Arcbound creatures, all of which have modular, plus there's a little blue for faster mana (that's right, blue for mana!) and some other zany tricks. Drop the Arcbound creatures, send them into battle, and you'll have an 11/11 flier in no time.

Some of the interesting plays in this deck involve eliminating your own creatures to make your fliers bigger. Rust Elemental in particular is a doozy. Have no fear when playing this 4/4 flier, because the Arcbound creatures turn its drawback into a feature. Sacrifice an Arcbound creature to the Elemental and drop those counters right on it. Attack. Repeat as necessary. But just in case "Ol' Rusty" gets out of control, a nifty blue sorcery called Reshape can simply mold it into a whole new artifact. Another keen ploy is to play Reshape on your Arcbound creature and put its counters onto something with a little more "get-through," such as Spincrusher.

Use Neurok Transmuter to spread a little card-type love around. The Transmuter can protect your key artifacts from being destroyed by removing their "artifactness." Then it can turn around and let you put +1/+1 counters on your blue creatures. Go team!

Some simple but effective improvements would help tune this deck. Check out Arcbound Overseer and Arcbound Ravager when looking for new creatures to generate those valuable +1/+1 counters. Spice things up in the air by changing out the Cobalt Golems for their distant cousins, Spire Golems. This deck runs only two Vedalken Engineers, a lynchpin of the Arcbound-Rust Elemental combo threat. Consider replacing Ur-Golem's Eye with an additional Engineer.

The modular ability is exciting in combination with anything that sacrifices creatures as a cost. Just be sure you have an artifact creature with some kind of evasion waiting to get the counters. It's the most fun you'll ever have losing creatures.

Posted 18 February 2009 at 12:32


Sorry about that :)
Posted 18 February 2009 at 22:38


Oops! Misty, this is for people wanting to help out with building the official magic theme decks in Vault, thanks for the offer though! :)
Posted 19 February 2009 at 00:31


hey gary could you also make commonly played fnm decks so that they dont get put on the best decks list
Posted 12 March 2009 at 20:59


So, any of our new members want to join in and help with this? still a lot to do! :)
Posted 18 June 2009 at 11:27


I have just added:
Alara Reborn

Legion Aloft;
Unnatural Schemes; and
Dead Ahead

To the Vault decks
Posted 11 July 2009 at 18:12


Fifth Dawn - Special Forces

Mirrodin - Bait & Bludgeon

7th Edition - Way Wild

Also, will you be needing 2010 core set Theme Decks as well?
Posted 07 August 2009 at 05:40


Awesome, thanks!

I'll transfer them over this weekend hopefully! :)
Posted 07 August 2009 at 08:21


Eventide- Sidestep


Eventide- Death March


Eventide- Superabundance

Posted 16 August 2009 at 03:01


Three Zendikar intro deck packs...hate these have to show up:mad:



Posted 27 January 2010 at 01:29


Lol, thanks for these... sorry you had to endure the frankly abusive comments by doing them for us! I'll transfer them over to the mtgvault account at some point.

Thanks again!
Posted 27 January 2010 at 23:24


Mercadian Masques Rebel's Call


My friend had a rebel deck...keyword had.
Posted 30 January 2010 at 07:02


I have slowly worked through all decks and put them under MTG Vaults name, there are only a few left to do now:

Time Spiral
Shards of Alara
10th Edition
7th Edition

Other than that they are all in there!
Posted 30 January 2010 at 17:49


Wow! Fantastic, thanks a lot! :)

Will just need to take a look at all of these at some point and then get them linked to from the main menu. One thing I've noticed is if a user has a lot of decks on their account it's not easy to sort through them all! Maybe something to look at in a future update...
Posted 30 January 2010 at 17:55


I have now completed 7th Edition and moved it to the MTG Vault account! :)

(Fast worker me!!)
Posted 30 January 2010 at 18:17


Time Spiral and Shadowmoor done!
Posted 31 January 2010 at 11:04


We're pretty much done now, thank-you so much to all those who helped us get this done!

I'm going to close this thread now as I've re=posted the list as a new sticky thread so any additions will be done in there from now on.

Posted 08 February 2010 at 20:43
