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[Noteworthy Plays] Pro Tour: San Diego

Hi all, this is NightLoki from Noteworthy Plays, bringing you the very latest Magic news. Just this weekend was Pro Tour: San Diego, with the best players from around the world playing for $40,000 and a permanent addition to their achievements as magic players. For the official coverage, visit http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/eventcoverage/ptsd10/welcome
Now, just a quick run-down of some big things that happened:
-Luis Scott-Vargas went 17-0 before getting cut down in the semifinals by the eventual winner of the PT, Simon Görtzen.
-The Channel Fireball team (including LSV) took a new Naya deck to a number of healthy finishes. (The deck's covered in my article in Deck Tech Talk)
-Jund won the Pro Tour. It also made up about 30% of the field, so it had good odds.

Those are the highlights I could think of, for more information please visit the coverage site. I managed to pass my Level 1 Judge Exam, so I'm a judge now! Yay. Next event should be the SCGLA $5k in March, so look forward to it! Have a good one guys, this is NightLoki and I am gone.
Posted 22 February 2010 at 21:32


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