Discussion Forum

Site Re-Launched

Hey guys, If you didn't notice yet, I've re-launched the MTG Vault website. :)

If you were a member of the site before it was taken down, you will need to go to the forgot password page and request a link to change your password. All of the old passwords have been removed from the database and a completely new (and hopefully more secure) system has replaced it.

Lets call this a very early release of version 2, there's still stuff to do and there's potentially a few bugs kicking around. If you find anything that seems a little weird, anything that you like or especially anything that you hate and want changed immediately please reply to this thread and let me know.

Posted 09 February 2009 at 19:24


Bedtime for me, so there won't be any fixes now until tomorrow night, but please do let me know about any problems you find!

There is currently a problem with the reset password page for anybody who has used their email address for more than one account in the past, if you know this is you just let me know and I can merge your accounts together if you want.
Posted 10 February 2009 at 01:11


When putting in a card name containing an apostraphy (') it can't seem to find the card.
Posted 10 February 2009 at 14:57
