Discussion Forum

Redirection -- what is the source, and is it targeted?

My question is about the Redirection ability... If I have a Warrior en-Kor (which has the redirection ability) that gets hit by a Lightning Bolt or that blocks a Red creature, can I redirect the damage it takes to a creature with Protection from Red? I think the answer really comes down to this: Is the source of the redirected damage still considerd the original source (the Bolt or the Red creature) or is it the new White creature (the En-Kor) doing the redirecting ? If Redirection is inherently considered a targeted ability (is it?), I would think the en-Kor would has to be considered the new source.

And then a follow-up question, this one regarding the "Protection-from" rules... If the en-Kor is now considered the source, would it still be allowed to fling Red damage at a Protection-from-Red creature even though the new source is White? In other words, is it the color of the damage that matters, or just the color of the SOURCE of the damage?
Posted 10 February 2024 at 14:50


Another follow-up question... If the En-Kor takes combat damage and redirects it, is it still considered combat damage? For ex., if combat damage is redirected from an En-Kor to a Pious Warrior, would the player still gain that much life?
Posted 30 March 2024 at 14:33
