Discussion Forum

Help define the deck (almost complete please help)

The only thing i'm thinking is that there's too much protection, maybe replace with more draw for my combo and ideas for my side deck
please and thank you

Posted 02 August 2023 at 15:21


Yes, you have way too much protection. You should dump most of it for more interaction.

The Urza lands are going to be awkward, since you don't have anything that needs that much colorless mana. I think Nykthos, Shrine To Nyx would be the better big-mana land. Nykthos can legend rule itself into the graveyard, and Sun Titan can bring it back, allowing you to potentially dump everything in your hand with Nykthos paying for Titans to bring untapped Nykthos back from the graveyard.

Also, some sort of graveyard hate like Rest in Peace in the sideboard, to prevent little miss Aeons Torn from preventing a mill win.
Posted 11 December 2023 at 16:31
