Discussion Forum

Cloning deck error

An error occurred and is preventing me from cloning a deck.
Posted 20 August 2022 at 00:06


Not an error I'm having

Say, you guys are not just "inventing" errors
Just to prevent gary from reading my message about trawling the mtgvault for odd amounts of views.

Are you :) ?

Fun aside, what likely happened is this.
Gary has been doing some changes in this direction before, and at that time I had a few troubles myself.
The change he seems to be messing with is to put both the cloned deck and your original at the top of your decklist.
That means that if you work to fast when copying decks you end up deleting the original and only have the clone.
The key is to work slow and methodical. It's probably a measure to slow down trolls that copy to many decks.

Like I said, it's a change in the system that has been worked on before, hopefully for the betterment of mtgvault.

But if you are a fan of copying your own decks, you better keep your head calm...
Posted 20 August 2022 at 01:15
