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Which role do you have in the party ?

With the release of zendikar rising we will see hero parties arise.
There are warrior, wizard, rogue and cleric.
Which one is you?

I'm bordering between rogue and cleric, and in gaming sessions my group often claims that my alignment is chaotic stupid.
Posted 02 September 2020 at 23:36


When playing computer "rolleplaying" games I often chose a rogue as first character, tough my time in warcraft (RP Server) has shown me that I'm more a fan of warrior or cleric RP.
Posted 04 September 2020 at 07:11


In computer games I prefer characters with regeneration.
I've completed some levels on games armed only with a crowbar, because my aim is so horrible I waste all the shots.
Posted 04 September 2020 at 08:13


I don't normally play D&D, but I enjoy it last tabletop RPG I played was Numenera, the way they do character creation is you choose a descriptor, which adds a small bonus, a type, which determines what, in general, your character is good at doing, and then a focus, which is like a specialization, but does not apply to just a single character type. so I could be a magic user from their focus, but a melee fighter by their type. and get bonuses from both. like... being a swordsman, but being able to have an aura of fire that constantly burns around you as part of your fighting style.

one of the characters I was playing is a Tough Nano who Fuses Flesh and Steel. tough gives me extra natural armor and a +1 to my healing rolls, Nano is a spellcaster type, so I could attack from range and up close, and Fuses flesh And Steel gives me more natural armor. I was REALLY hard to hurt.

It was supposed to be for a solo campaign, and built for solo survivability, but the DM decided to add more players. so my main weapon was a cast iron frying pan. and all my magic was frying pan themed. but for the sake of comparison, I would say it is like a cross-class between wizard main and a splash of warrior. the character was very fun, but not effective in party play.

the other character I played was a bard type dex tank, who gave bonuses to my allies rolls when I attacked. much more suited to party play.
Posted 10 December 2021 at 18:47
