Discussion Forum

Abusive deck names

So this community is self-moderated and we can downvote stupid comments. But we can't do anything about deck names that are racist, homophobic or flat stupid.
I'm tired of seeing deck names like "fuck this or that" or "niggers need to do something" on the front page.


The list goes on, just go search for those keywords.
Also read some of those comments.

I would like to see a system that either filters and disallows specific keywords, or a button that lets us report names.
I'm sure vault does not want to become the racist part of the mtg community, do something about it!
Posted 20 October 2017 at 05:46


Just stumbled upon those decknames myself and my suggestion would have been a way to report such decks. Maybe report them and remove them temporarily from the front page or set the Visibility Settings back to unlisted until someone has looked at it.
The big problem here is that such things take time to monitor and there are only 1 or 2 admins here.
Posted 20 October 2017 at 07:52


Yes that would be a fine option
Posted 20 October 2017 at 09:55


Send them to me on Facebook when you find them. I can remove them from the homepage, there's an admin only system for that already. This'll do as an alternative while we look at a bigger solution.

Is it generally the same people posting the same shitty names? (I see that's 4 different people above)
Posted 20 October 2017 at 14:50


Thank you. I dont use facebook, but maybe Muktol can do so.
Hope for the bigger solution soon, because people need to be aware that they cant use such names in the first place.

I think its different people most of the time, but for example snorlax1797 uses it in all of his decks.
Dont get me wrong, some of them may just be kidding, i know, but overall there is a trend to be seen here.
Vault used to be a nicer place.
Posted 20 October 2017 at 18:08


Gosh im feeling old at 32. Grumpy old man that doesnt use facebook grumbles about the youth XD
Posted 20 October 2017 at 18:13


So are we not allowed to swear? Only one of my deck names swears, but swearing isnt a problem. Sure, it can be annoying, but quit making it a bigger deal than it is. Offensive names i get, but snorlax is just being dumb, not offensive.
Posted 27 February 2018 at 18:20


Here is a new highlight:
Posted 06 July 2018 at 06:25
