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Bringing back the mob
Hey they, I was thinking of a way to bring sc ute mob back into relevance as a powerful card. I had a few ideas that incorporated paradox haze and the enchantment Asceticism to protect him. Using primal vigor to super buff the scute mob even more. I also have a bit of life li I thrown in for added security mostly brought on from behemoth sledge and different sorcery and enchantments. I am not lacking in buffing ability, but other forms of protection I am. I was trying to find a way to clone the scute mobs serveral times over. I'm curious what you guys think about the idea, or ideas on another rout I can take.
20 posts
Posted 16 May 2017 at 08:56
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Green offers a great number of ramp-spells, so getting to the desired number of lands shouldn't be to hard. If you want to use copy effects then you'll have to take blue as second colour. There would be another way with red and white but personally I don't consider it real usable. Depending on which blue cards you take the 'devotion' ability could become an interesting thing. Blue would also give you access to 'proliferate' spells.
Posted 17 May 2017 at 11:51
20 posts
It's looking like it's gonna be a green, blue, white deck at its bare essentials. My biggest problem with the cloning is I only have the card clone, but that's kinda expensive for the cloning I want. I was trying to figure a way to clone a lot and basically almost have the scute mob as the only creature in the deck with as many copies of him as I can throw out. The white is mostly focused on life gaining. The rest of the green is where his counters and my lands would be coming from, so I figured the blue would be for the paradox haze's and the cloning capabilities. I am just kinda limited on my card knowledge, and this don't know exactly what I should be looking to get.
Posted 18 May 2017 at 06:07
1,764 posts
I wouldn't throw out all other creatures. Some things like Burnished Hart, Farhaven Elf, Primal Druid or Viridian Emissary can help you to get the desired number of lands faster and keep you alive.
As for the cloning, there are some ways, but basically I wouldn't try to get Scute Mob cloned by other creatures but more copied into a new token. Spells like Cackling Counterpart, Fated Infatuation or Rite of Replication can do that pretty easy. Red would offer that ability to but there the tokens only stay on the field for 1 turn, so doing things this way will become a matter of having the right cards in the right time.
Anyway, then you can work with the 'populate' mechanic. Spells like Druid's Deliverance, Growing Ranks (works perfect with Paradox Haze) or Rootborn Defenses will give you another token.
I would also throw in some protection spells like Vines of Vastwood, Ranger's Guile or Privileged Position so that your main target for cloning won't get shot away. Additionally I would look for a second creature that benefits from a high number of lands and/ or high number of upkeeps as backup plan.
Posted 18 May 2017 at 13:37
20 posts
I will have to check out some of those cards and see what I can do with them.
Posted 18 May 2017 at 19:55
1,764 posts
This would be my U/G version. I'm working on a U/R/G version to but this will take some time.
Posted 20 May 2017 at 07:52
20 posts
Man forget the lifelink, honestly that simic version is exactly the direction I was trying to move towards with the deck, just don't know what cards to use. I'm not gonna lie probably gonna try this out. Gonna take a bit for me to collect the cards, but goals are good.
Posted 20 May 2017 at 09:40
1,764 posts
Just to give it a tryout you could simply print the cards. Personally I'm using for printing. Of course this is only for testing with friends.
Posted 20 May 2017 at 20:23
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