Discussion Forum

Hacks and stuff

9th September 2008

It would appear some nice people have decided to "hack" our forums, and this is a message to let them know they've got the job done, they've managed to delete all users, threads, posts and probably more (they've even managed to send some nasty private messages to members beforehand) and I don't have a recent backup so all is lost I'm afraid folks.

Unfortunately, I've now lost any passion I may have once had for this site and believe that because of this security issue it's in everybody's best interests for me to remove all files and the database from the server, I hope you've all enjoyed it and found it useful, I'm sorry it's come to this.

It's been fun.

UPDATE: 10th September 2008

The people who did this can be found over at h4cky0u.org and I have to warn you all that they have got all your email addresses and passwords so I would advise you all to change your passwords elsewhere if you're using the same ones. I really am very sorry, If you need to contact me then mail gary at this domain and I'll try my very best to do whatever I can for you.

WARNING: If you're using the email/password combo you used for vault elsewhere I urge you to go and change your passwords right away, please do this for your own sakes.
Posted 17 September 2008 at 20:32


If you haven't changed your e-mail and passwords still, I would highly recommend it. My facebook account recently got hacked, so the hackers are still going through and are having fun with our info.
Posted 08 December 2008 at 00:28


Damnit, I'm really sorry to hear that, did you manage to get access back to your facebook?
Posted 08 December 2008 at 16:42


No, its disabled. But it wasn't worth the time anyway.
Posted 08 December 2008 at 22:24
