Good point, I forgot it said all creatures. Thanks!
I was thinking about utopia mycon, but originally decided against it. When I made this deck black, I forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me of it .
Basal sliver works, too, but it needs colored mana in order to play it. ashnod's altar is an artifact, and therefore needs no colored mana.
Thanks, the deck is about saprolings, not fungi.
Thanks, lust for war would go really well here.
Nice, I might add quillspike into my persist deck. Can you take a look at my wall deck? thanks. Deck link:
Nice deck! Think abut adding a spirit loop to your deck. Can you take a look at my persist deck and give some advice? Thanks.
Thanks! Mainly, I wanted to know if I should keep or remove conflux and nexus, so thanks a lot!
Same as above, most of those aren't lorwyn.
I could, but, as I said, I only use Lorwyn cards for goblins. I get there are some really good non-lorwyn goblins, but I'm sticking to Lorwyn
in that case, may I suggest building a deck around godsire.
This is just something I noticed, I've seen a lot of ninja decks, and none of them use the card shuriken, why is that, since shuriken can only really be used with ninjas.
Thanks, I used all of your suggestions except aurification, because I don't mind creatures attacking me, just as long as the opponent has to pay for them.
Thank you for the feedback. I took your advice and removed red from the deck, and it's working much better.
I was thinking about it, and originally decided against it, but now I've decided to add it. Thanks for bringing it up.
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