True, magnivore is better than the wumpus, and again I didn't know it was even there. I switched them out.
ok, since I got the wumpus's, I'm taking out the obliterators because the wumpus can kill lands and deal lots of damage
Good idea about shivan wumpus, I didn't know it was there. (I'm not up to date on most of the newer cards).
I was planning on using the helldozers for the finish, but the obliterators have an awesome ability, and I didn't know they were real, so thanks.
Ok, I added the strip mine and avalanche riders. I needed creatures that weren't fodder, so thanks all for suggestions.
True, if they don't have any lands, they will need to play the ones they can get. Good idea, I'll add it into the sideboard just in case.
I din't want to make this deck part green, but I might make another land = gone with green in it. Thanks for bringing it up
I added echo mage in my mill deck, and it works really well. Here's a link to it.
I know it's really old, but I like crusade
Maybe not in main deck, but definitely in sideboard.
I like roar of the wurm, it has a good flashback cost. Also, can yo look at my arcbound proliferation deck? Thanks
I build decks I might use and barely any of my opponents use nonbasic lands. Still, I'll add it in. Also, I didn't know it existed
Since this is a bird deck, I would add soulcatcher's aerie. It's really old, but I like using it. Can you take a look at my wall deck please?
I'm now trying to decide if i want to add a shirei to this deck, any thoughts? I know it doesn't have defender, but it would help a lot.
Thanks, I'll add in a few of those and see how it does.
It's not that I don't like infect itself, but I really dislike alternate winning rules. I try to stick with decks that win with opponent's life = 0 or no cards in their deck.
I didn't know that card existed, and with doran ,that would work really well. Thanks!
Thanks, I will add at least one of those.
Thanks for the suggestion, there were a few wolves, and I added one.
I find that echo mage is very helpful in mill decks, especially with cards like mind funeral.
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