Nice idea, I'd add some more white, Maybe a way to sac both enchantments in an emergency. also try for ways to get first strike, it goes well with wither.
hmmmm, primap forcemage with ninja? tempting me to make a B/G ninja deck
Why is burn important?
Gotta have something to hide behind. Don't wanna die.
dude, aman, stop telling everyone to go standard. It's annoying. Lot's of people like to play extended because it's more fun than Standard, so stop.
Myr moonvessel + Dross Scorpion + soulfoundry = infinite sac outlet.
what to take out though?
I would get a full for crusades to make sure it works and swap goblin raiders for Mogg Fanatic or boros recruit
Interesting build, I went monogreen with mine. Did you know you can play doran by using the harbinger and leaf-crown? check out ym version it's called too many trees.
Jace has Very good synergy with Liliana. It stays. Sunken ruins is generally a dead drop. whereas aqueduct is acceleration. Next time please think before you comment.
Clearly you are an idiot. OBVIOUSLY I will be cutting down to 60 cards. I already said this deck was under construction. Last Gasp and Memory plunder are both very important cards to this deck. Last gasp lets me kill creatures that managed to get past the counter. Memory Plunder is a staple of the deck for letting me use their tricks for myself once I've milled them. You say the beacon is useless with Lililana? how so? she's only two card slots and takes time to run and only works on creatures.
the black in this deck seems lonely.
needs more chandra
but mediocrity hits for less and doesn't have upkeep so it's not as good. Bombshell is a much better second.
Echoing truth is bounce
No no no, you donate the illusions of Grandeur so that your opponent has to sac it.
jsut search for each card by name
......go into edit this deck. then, down near the bottom, click add new cards.
I'm going to make it 60, as soon as I figure out what to take out
1-20 of 80 items