
83 Decks, 369 Comments, 50 Reputation

There are, but I found in play testing that spellbound is a tad slow for this. When I did get him out, I always seemed to have a pretty good board position by then. That could be replaced.... By more burn!

Posted 23 September 2012 at 18:41 in reply to #289223 on U/R delver


I like the array of combos. I feel like a blood artist and a sac. outlet would make this deck fairly unbeatable.

new deck- http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=387693

Posted 23 September 2012 at 18:37 as a comment on • Forever, Again •



Original. Buckets of inspiration and horrid things.

Posted 23 September 2012 at 18:08 as a comment on The worst cards ever printed!


Really? I wish you would have told me this wasn't already a thing before you went off and did it yourself.

Oh well, here is an Izzet deck I made in less than five minutes, but I think that someone will design a U/R delver to beat all other decks, just so long as it isn't me.


Posted 13 September 2012 at 03:37 as a comment on Post Your Return to Ravnica Deck Builds Here


detain/bounce/sleep aggressive tempo! it works perfectly! Think about it! Also, midrange. Limited will suck as it usually does during sets full of overpowered cards (R.I.P Ravnica as it once was, but who knows? Maybe they'll make sure not to screw up like they did in avacyn restored, and actually make it the least bit balanced) But I can see soooo many opportunities for different and new archetypes to form. You can tell I'm excited because I keep thinking of new things.

And.... As soon as RTR releases, we should have a deck building design competition. My prediction is that I'll lose. I'm such a sorcerer! ^.^

Posted 11 September 2012 at 03:51 in reply to #288824 on Return to Ravnica Discussion


golgari is bomb. high class early game beaters with quite significant late game abilities. Mean, just mean... Take that four drop 5/5.... Thats pretty good. Oh, and you can pay six mana to make another creature super powerful later on when its dead. Or the three for a 3/3 haste. Pretty good, but again, lots of late game potential with scavenge.

B/G beatdown will dominate, not sure if it will take down delver, but it will certainly dominate.

With the rotation of scars will come the end of phyrexian mana, lots of counter spells, and vapor snag. But, with the release of izzet, U/R delver will probably be the new cool thing. My izzet deck(yeah, I'm a fanboy) will feature four guttersnipes, three or four talrands, four delvers, four goblin electromancers, and maybe some hypersonic/niv mizzet dragons thrown in for the sake of flavor and fun. Then counter spells and burn. It will go over big! BIG I TELL YOU!!!!!!

Azorius will have supreme verdict or whatever its called. Lets all just stop playing U/W.

G/W will be fun. RTR's selesnya features loxodon smiter(prime time beater, easy turn two play, or you can attack with him turn two. Thank you ravenous rats) thragtusk, restoration angel, a good 8 pieces of ramp, some removal, and I suppose some other new selesnya beaters. How about that tasty new one drop dryad? Maybe the population guild leader. good stuff guys, good stuff.

Rakdos= burn, kill, pillage, repeat. Yes, it will be good. Thats about it.

Gatecrash won't feature anything special, and I'll bet that's why its the second set.

Oh, and nivmagus elemental is extended's bitch.

Posted 11 September 2012 at 03:43 as a comment on Return to Ravnica Discussion


curiosity. And if they have more life than you have cards in library, don't attach it to niv. But otherwise, infinite draw + infinite damage = fun stuff

Posted 29 August 2012 at 19:19 as a comment on niv destroyer


yup, those elves are hard to beat :3

I have one myself that wins most of its games, unless its mana flooded, but almost never when its mana screwed. Thats the wonderful thing about elves. They only need 18 or so lands to function.

Posted 27 August 2012 at 19:40 as a comment on Elven Horde Modern


Oh, and I decided to add in journey to nowhere just to make it block constructed. ;D

Posted 27 August 2012 at 19:09 in reply to #285471 on cheap allies(help narrow it down to under 20$!)


Hmm... Well, now that m13 is out, I suddenly own 7 or more copies of oblivion ring. Also, using guardians of akrasa has made me realize just how effective a wall can be, especially when they are as big as one of those shieldmates.

Posted 27 August 2012 at 19:06 as a comment on cheap allies(help narrow it down to under 20$!)


abbyssal persecutor is an amazing card, all you need is a sac. engine. Or a bazaar trader.

Posted 24 August 2012 at 20:01 as a comment on Here keep it !


looks pretty sweet. Grave pact and contamination will just shut your opponent down. Jeez.

Posted 24 August 2012 at 19:30 as a comment on Minions of the Caretaker


looks pretty strong. May you crush many delver decks.

Posted 15 August 2012 at 03:08 as a comment on Jund Eternum


looking for a budget deck to bring out whenever you feel like crushing your friends?

Then this is for you:

Posted 14 August 2012 at 03:33 as a comment on Best Deck Popularity Contest


if I have a sorin sitting useless in my hand, I don't have a reason to worry.

Posted 14 August 2012 at 01:38 in reply to #279411 on The Ultimate White Black Standard Tokens!



Deck is finished? Yay!!

Posted 13 August 2012 at 05:37 in reply to #281545 on The Village Bicycle


I think you should main deck fling. Definitely worth using when you have a dragon and some mana available.

Posted 13 August 2012 at 04:28 as a comment on Who Flings Dragons!?!?!


Heh that sounds pretty epic. The best part about the hexmage is that it isn't just usable with dark depths. There are many ways in which the hexmage is useful, including getting rid of planeswalkers, shutting down creatures with tons of plus one counters, ect. If I was in modern or legacy, I would consider trying to get a few copies of each of those.

Posted 13 August 2012 at 04:18 in reply to #281497 on Homicidal vampire onslaught!


That would be funny, if I was playing a few games with somebody, and the first two games I win/lose using aggressive vampires. Then in the final game of the match my opponent gets an aggressive start, and for the first time in the match I pull off the combo. I imagine the people around me going "WTF"

Posted 13 August 2012 at 03:18 in reply to #281497 on Homicidal vampire onslaught!


looks like it has the potential to overwhelm. I don't know if jace would work in here. He is more for milling. Think twice could be nice to have in here.

could you check out my vampire deck, share your opinions and such?

Posted 13 August 2012 at 03:15 as a comment on Red-Blue


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