Nice deck! have you considered bloodline keeper? He's a pretty awesome one. hope this helps
Great deck! Perhaps torch fiend for the sideboard?
Modern decks can have any card printed in 8th edition up to now. ( excluding sets like planechase, coomander, ect.) Thanks anyway for checking the deck out.
Nice deck! I would probably add some slaughter games for the sideboard, and I would greatly recommend 4x rakdos cacklers. If you have time, can you check out my R\B modern deck ?
So this is my take on kaalia of the vast (EDH) I added some cruel little combos in there. I posted this deck on the vault hopping to get some advice before getting some of the cards...
This was before m13, its added now.
sorry. you need two myr galvanisers and other myrs utap the rest and repeat
-1- First you take one counter off and deal one damage to whatever. -2- The two other ones go to kill himself. Then he comes back since he did not have any counters on him. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
Nice deck, I also made a very aggressive Vish Kal EDH. How about maralen of the mornsong. since your deck is more 1v1 she is an awsome card to get your win combos out. Silence is also a good card when your about to use one of your combos. Hope this helps!
sorin, lord of innistrad, teillight drover. And in my oppinion, your not using teysa to her fullest since you have no black creature to give you tokens...
Wow love the deck. I once played against a bird deck and my ass was handed to me... Anyway, what about lieutenant kirtar?
Off the top of my head, goblin ringleader, blood mark mentor, and beetleback chief and some goblin grenades. Do you think you could take a look at my Rakdos edh?
I would add maybe 2 cavern of souls to protect your vampires... If you intend to keep fling, use mark of mutiny instead of traitorous blood, it gives you one more power... other than that, perhaps bloodline keeper to boost the rest of your vampires and to really exploit hellrider. And while mark of the vampire is a good card, it is a bit expensive. Oh and for the sideboard, gut shot and surgical extraction. Overall the deck looks like a solid build!
Strangleroot geist is extremely mean with rancor. t1 forest arbor elf. t2 forest, three mana, geist + rancor. Because of haste undying and rancor's recursion, its really a pain to deal with. thrun the last troll, green sun's zenith, and wolfir silverheart are other solid options. I would also add mental missteps in the sideboard since the ooze is extremely vulnerable to vapor snag. I agree with fluffyweresheep, the ring should go. You're already getting trample from rancor. evolving wilds should also go.
lade splicer and healer of the pride would be nice additions and cathedral sanctifier and geist honored monk are also some good cards.
Awsome, would surely piss me off at FNM, but i would probably main board the avenger and replace it for nibilis of the breath. do you think you could look at my second standard deck if you have the chance?
Yes invisible stalker is my win condition. However, I don't like to put in cards so it makes something better. The stalker is already unblockable , and it has hexproof too. with the silverheat bonded and a revenge of the hunted, the game wont last that long... also phyrexian metamorph can give me copies of my opponents equipment and other artifacts. Thank you for your suggestion though!
nice deck, i love decks with oriss resurection, an interesting combo is gitaxian probe and meddling mage. Perhaps you could put erase in your sideboard to deal with rancor or other stuff. If you have the time can you check out my standard deck?
yeah... blue is awsome, but i want to stay 2 colored, and 5 lige and a 3/3 ( 2 if parallel lives is out ) each turn is to much to ignore...but thank for the suggestion.
Good ideas for the sideboard thanks, but i don't think il put in banishing stroke.
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