If you ever use cards that aren't from graveborn, consider dark ritual And the two cards DedWards mentioned. Turn one win against a mono colored deck (usually). Other than that this is a sweet build!
Dralnu Lich lord is a must! Check out my mill deck, there are some other cards that you could use.http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=269584 Great deck though, I like it!
Melira states that " creatures you control can't have -1/-1 counters placed on them". The idea is great, but you need persist instead of undying. Still a good idea though!
You can't use command tower, because you technically don't have a commander/general. The land doesn't produce mana otherwise. Still, it is an interesting idea.
two i think would be good.
Nice solid deck!
Umezawa's jitte! 'Nuff said.
Woo! Cheers for Advertise 3! This is my W/B knights with Haakon. Please comment! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=302100
Thanks! This was originally my other knigths, http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=270142 , but it got boring so i changed it.
Thanks for the advice i made some changes... I added whipflare for tokens and dismember for removal...Not sure if I should keep the metallic mastery's or switch them for something else...
Yeah thats one of the modifications I made, with the rebirth = expandable tokens, but i might switch them out for lootings and maybe a mastery??? Anyway thanks for the comment! ...do you have any ideas for a sideboard.. I know il ad graff. cage but im not sure what else...
Still an awesome deck though!
Although sliver overlord is powerful and very useful for this deck, watch out because if it gets mind controlled (or anything of the like,) Ur kinda screwed...
And now you need a new Sorin!
Although trepanation blade is good idea, i don't know what to take out. As for the quest I don't think adding it for the possibility of getting only one or card...
Thanks a lot, I will make the changes!
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=270142 and my knights tribal
Have you considered undead warchief? It would lower the cost of your zombies and power up everything else.
This is my U/B mill deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=269584 Comments are welcomed, please help if you have any suggestions!
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