Pretty nice deck dude! I dont think the black is really necessary, but I love the concept. I have a BR Zombie Land Destruction deck if you want to check it out:
Very nice job! My friend uses this Curious Niv Mizet idea, but I never saw the guildmage and gelectrode combo. I use stunsniper with basilask collar in a different deck. Its so effective. Nice draw mechanics btw. I recently put a GU human deck together. Let me know what you think:
Worldslayer is a fun card. Nice deck. Novablast Wurm would be a good addition for it. With quicksilver amulet it should be no problem getting out. Nice deck dude. I have a BW deck if you would like to check it out:
I like it. GB elves are pretty sweet. Its well rounded and has lots of protection. I have a GR deck that uses lots of elves. Let me know what you think:
Nice build you have here. The older sets had all the best land destruction. BTW I too have a land destruction deck. It is also a zombie deck and I think you will like it:
Very nice setup with some really cool concepts. They made it too easy for burn to win with all the new crap. I played against my friend yesterday and he played two Vexing Devils on the 2nd turn a ball lightning on turn 3. I have a pure red goblin deck if you would like to check it out:
Very fun looking control deck. I have wanted to use magma phoenix for a while but could ver fit it in any of my decks. I have a RB Zombie land destruction deck I think you will like. Chekc it out:
Very nice Torpor Orb cancels so much. It makes flicker decks uterly pointless. Very nice use of it in this deck. 5 Stars. I have a BW deck as well. Check it out:
Looks good so far. Universal control can be difficult in a pure black deck, but you seem to know what you are doing. Check out my BW Angels n Demons deck:
I would deffinately say dungeon geist. This is a fun deck though. The return of sleep gives it allot. I think you will like my BW Angels n Demons deck:
Immerwolf is my favorite wolf for that theme. It really makes me want to make one. This one is pretty solid, but I would not run 4 wolfbitten captives. Learn from my mistakes, you will not have the mana to pump both. I do not like to run playsets of a single card unless it has an absolute need for it. I have a power RG deck as well. Check it out:
Yes! A standard goblin deck finally! Thank you for doing it well. I love goblins. Check out my goblin deck and let me know what you think:
This is a funny deck. I can see its effectiveness. Trample and regen is a great combo. I use it in my GR deck. Let me know what you think:
Black is beautiful and I believe lashwrithe is way underpriced. I think you will like my GB graveyard deck. Check it out:
Very nice deck! I love any titanic beast from the sea and I want to straight up buy this entire deck the way it is. Check out my GU human deck and let me know what you think:
There is a fungus among us lol. Pretty nice. I had a few attempts at saprolings. Its tough to get it right. I never knew about the sporesower. I give you kudos for Thallid Shell Dweller. One of my favorite cards. Let me know what you think of my GW deck. Its my own twist on Turbo Fog.
I like it! I have always wanted to use Primordeal Hydra, but never had enough motivation. This deck is solid. I have a GU deck as well. Let me know what you think:
Very nice and inexpensive control! It makes me miss my fish deck. I made a human G/U control deck recently. Let me know what you think:
Man did slumbering dragon just become popular. I like the way this one was put together. I recently put a warrior deck together. Let me know what you think:
I love this deck! Very solid and reliable!
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