Nice deck dude. One thing though. You have a life gain deck without the best life gain creature. Thragtusks should replace those Silverhearts. You will need less color, gain more life and have a nice card to flicker with restoration angel. Other than that, you are off to a good start. Life gain decks are back! Check out my life gain birdy deck and let me know what you think:
I like it! Elementals have always been fun and this deck pushes the opponent pretty hard. I also have a RG warrior deck. Check it out:
This deck screams Mayor of Avebruck. I would throw him in with some burn FTW.
Nasty power condom deck! Undying and persist have made that an interesting card. I would throw in a Khalni Garden just as another target for the counters. I think you will like my GR warrior deck:
Good Stuff! GB ramp is allot of fun. Check out my GB deck and let me know what you think. It is a Demon Dumpster deck:
Pretty good stuff here. Btw the joke that guy above me made was funny. Golem's eye was pretty cool in Mirodin, but nowhere near as nasty as Krak Clan Ironworks. Emrakul is so hard to get rid of. Thats what makes him a solid win method. I was up against my friend the other day and he double-Darksteel Collosused me twice in one turn. I took care of the first one, but the second one punched my face in. Anyway, nice deck. Check out my GB Dumpster Deck:
Pretty nasty stuff you have here! I love fish decks. The merfolk have so many lords now its insane. They are almost slivers now lol. I think you will like my new Bird deck:
Pretty dam nice! My friend loves the life gain land with punishing fire combo also. All in all a solid land bust deck. I think you will like my land destruction Zombie deck:
Pretty nice low mana cost deck. Playtesting it you dont even need 4 mana to really get the belt. Its a shame you have such little time with the snag. However, the new set has an insane bounce card you could use for the late game as well. I think you will like my WU Bird deck.
I love you lol. This deck must be a bitch to shuffle. Battle of Witts has to be one of the coolest win methods of MTG. The Wizard that reads a thousand books is powerful. The Wizard that memorizes a thousand books is insane! I think you will like my Dumpster Deck:
Lol its funny you like the wurm because there is about 10 cards in this deck that are better lol. With that said it is off to a good start. I love wurms BTW. Ever since the birth of Roar of the Wurm, those huge slimy things always have a special place in my heart. I think you will like my RG beatdown deck:
This deck has allot of scary cards. I would throw in a Lashewrithe. Mono black is so much fun. I think you will like my Dumpster Deck:
Pretty nice build here. I was never a fan of elvish piper, but i can see her usefulness in this deck. BTW I have always wanted to use Bellowing Tanglewurm in a deck. I think you will like my Dumpster deck:
Very nice deck! I wanted to do a deck like this that uses Sigil of the empty throne, but I put that idea to rest. I wish I knew about Yavimaya Enchantress then. Very nice build. Let me know what you think of my GW deck:
Very nice deck! I love the use of the genesis wave! I use sands of delerium in a GW turbo fog mill deck. Check it out:
Wow, that is a quick win method! Well done my friend. I love the stations. I used to have a Memnarch deck that abused salvaging station and Krak Clan Ironworks. I love GU decks. Let me know what you think of my GU humans deck:
Some good stuff right here. My friend has a big hard on for Sanguine Bond and would go bananas over this deck. Protective enchantments are incredible. I use plenty in my BW Angels and Demons deck. Let me know what you think:
Pretty sweet methods here. I love blood artist btw. The killing waves are just perfect for this deck. Good job! I too have a BW deck if you wish to take a look. Its Angels and Demons:
Nice infect deck dude. I must confess I have never beaten an infect deck ever. Something about only needing to do 10 damage seems to get me every time. This is a very nice build. I think you will like my GR deck. It is also an aggressive beater type deck with some twists:
Very nice standard deck. Lifegain decks really are making a nice comeback. I have a BW life syphon deck I think you would like. Its Angels and Demons. Check it out:
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