thx i'll try that out
U/W control But I don't know what my win con is
Comments And Suggestions Are Appreciated
White weenie
Hey surewhynot i made a mill and extraction deck and it needs your help can u kindly comment on it thanks ^_^
Thinking of combining mill and extraction do u think it will work?
surgical extraction and memoricide makes them shuffle their decks so you get to exile 1 more creature in the process and most decks fetches for something most of them in combo decks so it will make the opponent think twice before doing so
nice but can u take a look at mine i seriously need help on my deck kinda hard to think of a sideboard
Liked the deck i'm also making an extraction deck myself but its mono black do u think it can be competitive in tournaments?
LESTER your about to make it to the top decks ahahaha "BUMP" don't put in phyrexian swarmlord its to big it won't be fast anymore if you reached turn 6 and above you should have won by then put artifact hate cards like "naturalize" etc. in the side board there are to many artifacts out there you could remove whisper cloak it will take you 2 turns to equip it or waster 6 mana on it to equip that in 1 turn you'll be tapped out you could replace it with piston sledge or livewire lash piston sledge is sick with ichor claw and no to corpse cur i think its to slow
Thx a lot so any suggestions?
so what should i drop?
lol nuff said huh
thx for the help i'll try that xenograft out
Comments and Suggestions Are Appreciated
oh i see but some cards are hard to find now since they all have been bought and all
yah to bad right i know their awesome but since m12 is near it would be a waste to buy those anyway but thanks a lot
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