i think the deck is standard so pili-pala won't make it but pili-pala would work awesome for this deck
well im kinda preparing for m12 so im not putting any cards from zendikar block but nice card tho thx
Comments and Suggestion are Appreciated ^_^
@gtrevor mimic vat sounds nice not sure about the lead the stampede so hard to pick what cards should i lose T_T
ok changed llonwar elves to birds of paradise but im having a problem with misty forest since im kinda preparing for m12 so im not putting any zendikar block cards in it is there any other lands that u can suggest thats in m11 or above
so what flying creatures would you suggest?? worm coil sounds nice "pricey" lol
Comments and Suggestions are Appreciated ^_^
inkmoth ^_^
oh yeah forgot about that thnx
thx but i want it to be standard but thanks anyway
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=150090 help at my white control
you could change volition of reins for corrupted conscience
you can change the mind control to corrupted conscience since it will gain infect and all
have a deck just like this.. well almost lol try to get disentomb it help's u get ur 1 to cast creatures back and sac it again try adding diabolic tutor and cut down on demon of deaths gate that way its cheaper but thats just me you could change consume spirit and drain life for other kill cards like doom blade, grasp of darkness, go for the throat and deathmark oh yeah mortician beetle, reassembling skeletons and bloodthrone vampire is nice for this deck
you can change megrim for liliana's caress it has the same effect but liliana's caress has a lower casting cost (2)
thnx for the advice
I have a set of them here with me but which cards do u think i should out and its kinda hard to cast since u need 4 swamps for it to be effective
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