Delicious. I'm thinking maybe some experiment Kraj Soup for an appetizer, perhaps a few avatars of woe for the main course, and maybe a soliton for dessert. Actually, this seems like a pretty solid deck, especially for multiplayer formats. I'm liking the possibilities for Necrotic Ooze when both the avatar of woe and soliton are in your graveyard.
And you say nothing mainstream, yet I clearly see 2x Jace the Mind Sculptor. and 4x tarmogoyf
Thanks for the compliment. I try.
Consider yourself honored, good sir. So I'm not sure how necessary Venser actually is in this deck. I think I'd take him out in favor of a fourth Phantasmal Dragon. Also, you might want to consider a back-up plan once the figments rotate out. I'm not sure what Innistrad has in store for us in the way of illusions, and I'm sure it will have at least one or two, but until we know for sure i'd suggest oblivion rings. I don't care what our good friend says, it doesn't hurt to have a little bit of removal.
it's a bit too slow. also, mana leak's blue, which your deck title doesnt say
I like good job
yeah. old archetype, but a good one. Not too much to improve here.
I would replace mind rots with those.
Put Fauna Shaman in, it would work excellently. It would let you discard your creatures like gigantomancer and at the same time tutor for your necrotic oozes
It would be pretty rediculous as an alternate win condition i suppose.
i would recomment Jasmine Boreal, she's legendary and the right colors.
and there's 2 reya dawnbringers.
Oh, and why is shell of the last kappa listed under creatures?
Thrumming stone... in an edh deck... well, I guess so.
well you made it
Let's see Infect stand up to this!
Seeing as you do have artifacts, replace the cancels with the card (i dont remember the name) that's a cancel unless you have metalcraft, in which case it's a counterspell.
4 planeswalker finals in half as many turns, right? PROLIFERATE
I might replace the cloaks with lightning greaves, simply because they are cheaper. I know you might be going for the unblockable here, but speed counts. Also, you might want to put Overbeings of myth in, since It's generally not a good idea to have only 1 win condition card.
Well, hey, at least the people advertising their stuff are making the deck's likes go up.
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