Interesting! I like it! Maybe get rid of umbilicus and limited resources if you wanted to actually play it, so that it could be modern legal. Murder and disenchant are extremely inefficient. Path to exile for creature removal or oblivion ring to be able to move anything, rather than disenchant. Mimic Vat could also work well for having Creatures enter and leave the battlefield, and other creatures to look into are Wall of Omens, Sin Collector, solemn Simulacrum, and Ashen Rider.
Always judge a deck by the mid cost. That's the most accurate representation of overall cost. You cut $500, down to $1256. You could make so many good decks with that money! haha
I like that, thank you!
I went ahead and looked at it. It's neat, but not nearly neat enough to spend $1,700 on it! You could run some decks with any mixture of blue, white, and black and have it be plausibly better with creature control for under $150. But hey if you've got the money go for it!
I like the card! It's just that in order to really use it in my deck I'd have to be able to play another elemental that same turn. If I ran it I'd use spark elementals to cheapen the cost by 1, it's just too difficult to pull off when I'm going for a super quick win.
Tried to check it out, but apparently the deck was deleted. I love mimic vat! But wouldn't run it in a burn deck, I use it more for enter and exit the battlefield abilities.
Fatal Frenzy is really cool! I'd run it if it's CMC was 1 less, It's just too hard for me to combo a 3 drop with anything.
Ya a buddy of mine has a deck like that! It's pretty neat!
Thanks, Ya I like those, just really wanted to make this modern legal.
Thanks, some of those cards are just too heavy in mana cost though. And kiln Fiend really makes this deck. It allows for 1 turn kills if I can assault strobe, maybe lightning bolt, and fling, or really any combo with it. The double strike is killer though.
Very nice! Perhaps Ghoultree?
Perhaps Browbeat or Reforge the Soul to help get more cards?
Love the bit of GW devotion! Might wanna focus it a bit more and cut to 60 cards. perhaps cut all the Nykthos lands. They're great lands, but 10 dollars a pop and don't really fit the deck. You have a lot of mana, plus the birds of paradise, but not really anything I can see that you're ramping towards. Might want a bigger drop as a win-con. Also replace Ghostly prison with Sphere of Safety. You're running so many enchantments that the Sphere would be much more effective.
Ya I'm thinking about side-boarding some in, depends on what my opponent is playing. Thank you for the advice though!
Can't you only run 4 Inkwell leviathan's?
I like this very much! Slow yes, but controlling the pace which can really frustrate aggro decks. I'd add a bit of card draw, but this is very well focused, good job.
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