i checked goblin matron its good but other then its ability its worthless to me i might buy this deck
the dack realy has no point its just have strone creatures and walls so u cant be hit
good deck low mana costs
try more feries add cloudseeder it can make tokens
mostly a mil deck not too good u play a game of guess how many spells i can play and playing defence thats not how u win its how u survive
Eternal flames and how did the most poupuler deck become pupuler for just one card he cant play
magic card rules only allow u to have 4 of one card in 1 deck at once
swamp yard makes it harder to defeat
my bro told me about relentless rats i love youtr deck dude u deserve a thumbs up
phage my bro bought that its so mean but not that hard to kill
mind controll would be good
howie i like the deck strong hold overseer gautlet of power would help and so would fire ball but tribal flames so no fire ball find a way to spam 10 token people and sacriffice them to deal a ton of damage
its not in the deck
woot for seth
i dident read all the cards but i know that thats one uber planeswalker reply if u wanna talk i 3 min or im gonna make my zombie deck
what u shoud do is add card that do damage for each land u have like tendrals of coruption or tribal flames
u can win if theres barely any creature the opponets side in other words a bad hand
41-60 of 71 items