dude no thumbs up owch
by how much
i have red creatures
death baron
grave digger could help i sugest rise from the grave and....
ur making a lot of decks today
thx dude
dont worry its not that hard iv beeten it many time my bro made a lot of decks and buys them sometimes its not that hard
o its your deck
my bro has this deck
it isent very balenced
u need to give living hive beast mancers magemark and try to give it trample and double strike
thanks for the coment but idk what bogghaeart dose so
way too much cards other wise good
good deck but add solem offoring it gives u 4 life and kills artifacks and enchantments
dude dont coment just to get coments
god its deck and strong
tainted aeither works on him to
i added goblin mentor wich gives all red creatures first strike
21-40 of 71 items