How about a Lunar force?
Maybe x4 Terramorphic expanse?
Very cool deck, nice budget for it too.
Pretty sweet deck
How about gaining life from lands? Kabira Crossroads is a really good budget land to do so with. Maybe you can get away with putting 1 Radiant Fountain aswell
I see you have removed many of the instants and sorceries and have replaced them with pirates, i think because of this you can get away with playing x4 Unclaimed territory if you decide its the way you want the deck to go.In terms of playing x3 Deadeye tracker with no way of putting cards into your opponents graveyard apart from maybe your opponents choosing to do so themselves it would seem like it would stay a 1/1 for the majority of its time on the battlefield against most decks. I would say then, it would be a great sideboard card against decks in which their graveyard is crucial for their game plan.However, if you were to play some more removal spells such as Lightning Strike, Abrade, Fatal Push, Duress, Fiery Cannonade, you might see it get more value.This leads to another point, this deck may struggle against a lot of decks due to its lack of removal. Although x2 Hostage taker is insane and x2 Kitesail Freebooter is pretty good (Vance's Blasting Cannons is also unlimited value but requires some planning), removing the Siren Stormtamer's which is a great card in any aggro list to protect your creatures. It is also a great way to proc Admiral Beckett's ability and it's also an extra 1 drop so you can play Fathom Fleet Captain's ability on 3 if you don't have a better play on turn 3, and better setup for your Vance's blasting cannons play 3 spells in a turn turn :P .On a side note, i didn't mention Angrath's marauders because it would suit the deck, just as an example of a high costing creature, although it works great with burn (makes Fiery cannonade deal 4 damage to all non pirates or lighting strike deal 6 damage for 2 mana) and its a great snowball card; another win condition if you are ahead by a bit.For other cards to maybe play in this deck, Kari Zev, Skyship Raider from Aether Revolt seems like it would suit this deck well. DreamCaller Siren also looks like it would add a lot to this deck; being able to tap a few of your opponents permanents so that you can attack. Or if you want to go very all out Wanted Scoundrels although when it dies it gives your opponent 2 temporary mana sources, maybe you can put enough discard, removal or protection so that doesn't happen. Have fun making some alterations, but i'm only an adviser :)
I like the route you are going down. However i would remove Duress and replace it with Kitesail Freebooter they basically do the same thing but an early game 1/2 flyer to help activate the Raid mechanic and also Admiral Beckett Brass' ability. As you are playing x3 March of the drowned its very possible you can cast 3 spells in 1 turn (e.g playing 2 of the dead early game creatures after) you may pretty easily pull off Vance's Blasting Cannons. The Dowsing Dagger + Daring Saboteur combo is okay i think but i don't think it synergises with the rest of the deck to give your opponent 2 0/2 bodies, and The Lost Vale doesn't seem all that useful as i don't see all that many expensive abilities or spells. However if you were to add a Captivating Crew or Angrath Marauders it would be great!
And very nice SB btw i always thought slaughter games was the best SB card, glad you included it
I really like the feel of this deck, its how vampires should act in my opinion, willing to take damage and uncontrollably aggressive with cards like crippling blight.
You spelt response wrong.
What do you think about adding cards like headless skaab, sewer shambler, or slitherhead?
Thanks for the comment, i knew here were balance issues due to the complexity, i think everything you have said was right apart from the only sacrifice i am able to generate is through grimgrin, i'm not sure tragic slip is such a good idea then (even if it is the sideboard). And in a situation if i had havengul lich and a few other creatures in my graveyard, i would be able to use ghoulcallers chant on havengul lich and maybe set myself up for more spells from my graveyard that way (may be a bit slow though). What is a "bombo" btw? I feel i do not have enough creatures now for skaab ruinator's ability to work effectively. I think ill decide to get rid of my forbidden alchemy's for one more grimgrin and armored skaab. Thanks for your help
Nice deck, could you look at my deck, i think its a little bit too complicated but the flashback principle is similar.
liliana's caress would work well here (almost exactly the same as megrim but it says opponent loses life instead of damage from a source to an opponent). Could you check out my zombie deck?
Nice deck, in my opinion get more than one of copy of each card in your deck that way it will be more effective, check out my deck, it might give you some ideas, .
Nice deck, Jarad's orders will work well here. Check out my Zombie deck, might give you ideas, .
Check out my version if you want more ideas
Not too sure about the sideboard :P ill try and sort that out.
Nice zombie deck, i like the possible combos with gravecrawler, also good power. Check out my zombie deck, its standard legal.
Mikaeus is a sexy card, no doubt about that, its intimidate should garuntee you damage. If you have an alchemist in play that should mean more creatures in your opponent's graveyard, which means if you do put a grimoire of the dead in your deck it should make a greater effect.. Plus it will make your creatures bigger. But what you need is early defence (armoured skaab will suit the deck well), i can see your deck getting murked against a fast deck. As you have access to black and blue mana that shouldnt be a problem.
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