
35 Decks, 86 Comments, 11 Reputation

Why Naya Panorama over Evolving wilds or Terramorphic expanse, surely its bad right?

Posted 01 March 2018 at 01:59 as a comment on Pauper Ponza


I had a similar opinion of the Kaladesh block, my first impressions were "yuck energy, yuck what the hell are vehicles?"

(Be careful about putting x4 inventor's fair as it is a legendary land, and you don't want to end up missing land drops as you would have to sac one to play the other)

Unfortunately not :( , however, If you are simply looking for removal, specifically from Kaladesh/Aether revolt, you have prey upon, nature's way (which gets you energy). There is consulate turret, but it only targets players, and i wouldnt call 2 damage mass amounts. Dynavault tower is also an energy creator that deals 3 damage to creature or player for 5 energy.

Posted 01 March 2018 at 01:47 in reply to #612356 on Slightly Green Artifacts


I agree with the addition of bone splinter's in the deck, a couple swapped in for shamble back, I can see many possibilities of your opponent not having any creatures in his/her graveyard if that is the case you will end up exiling your own creatures which has negative synergy with Ghoulcaller's chant and cemetery recruitment.

Edit: And Gravecrawler. Edit: Plus you can just use Supernatural stamina before a sac.

Posted 01 March 2018 at 01:29 in reply to #612424 on Zombie Sacrifice


How about Star of Extinction from Ixalan? it costs only 1 more than into the maw of hell, ( and maybe 13 damage is enough once you have access to 6 mana) and it does 7 more dmg practically a one-shot.

Posted 27 February 2018 at 16:40 as a comment on Binding Fire


Seeing as you only have 8 mana symbol occurence for green, I think you could easily squeeze in 2 inventor's fair, will help with lifegain over time and lategame value.

Edit: Also Field of Ruin vs like a Search for Azcanta, Arch of Orazca Hashep Oasis, Scavenger Grounds good vs graveyard decks and reoccuring creatures from cards like God Pharoah's gift.

Posted 27 February 2018 at 16:03 as a comment on Slightly Green Artifacts


I think slumbering dragon is a bit out of place in this deck, your opponent isn't really going to attack you at all since you will always be the aggressor, so it will just be an empty body until your opponent kills you or you kill your opponent before the dragon gets enough +1/+1 counters for it to be able to block.

edit: Also seeing the amount of creatures you have that have triggered abilities when you play spells, you might consider putting more burn in the deck, I would Reccomend Searing Blaze, rift bolt maybe a Gut-shot and even a mutagenic growth, since you wouldn't really care about your life total when you are trying to end the game asap.

Posted 25 February 2018 at 06:13 as a comment on Mono Red AGGRO


Agreed, i like pushing archetypes to the limit, and who knows some day with some deck it might make the meta :P

Posted 24 February 2018 at 19:56 in reply to #612065 on Land Destruction


How about Gilt-leaf Palace, i think with this deck you would always have an elf in your opening hand so its just a free untap land.

Posted 24 February 2018 at 09:40 as a comment on Elf Modern


Main Deck: -1 world breaker -1 splinter -1 oxidize -2 lifecrafter's beastiary, -4 forest
x2 Serum visions x1 Howling mine x2 Fabricate x4 Misty rainforest

Sideboard: -3 Negate -2 Whiplash trap -3 Display of dominance,
x3 Thorn of Amethyst x2 Guttural response x2 Nissa, steward of Elements, x1 Splinter

Thanks again for the suggestions. I would prefer the deck to be in Modern, mostly because i know more of the cards a bit better than other formats (even though I didnt know the card "fabricate" existed), but I guess you could just replace the Serum visions with Brainstorms and you might be good to go for vintage.

I agree that Nissa might be a bit to janky for the early game so I put her in the sideboard, maybe if you are lacking the value you can switch her in for Oxidizes. As for the early game Equivalent I have put in a howling mine, its a colourless hit with Ancient stirrings and as you dont care how many cards your opponent draws once you have the win condition it seems ok.
Explore creatures do seem in my mind to take the deck away from its strategy and just be some empty or janky tempo/draw so I have chosen not to put anything with that mechanic in the deck.

I am still very inexperienced in deckbuilding, alot of the knowledge I have is translated from hearthstone, so if i have said or swapped anything wrong I wouldnt be surprised.

Posted 24 February 2018 at 08:43 in reply to #612065 on Land Destruction


If you want to go quite expensive, i like geralf's messenger, it dies twice dealing 4 damage to opponent, and returning it to hand gets alot of value.

Posted 22 February 2018 at 15:45 as a comment on Zombie Sacrifice


I agree, plus its too little value even if it does draw a card. I replaced it -2 Argent Mutation, x2 Plow under. If you could recommend a good card with draw or scry I would consider putting it into my deck.
Thanks for the input.

Posted 22 February 2018 at 13:39 in reply to #612065 on Land Destruction


how about beacon of immortality for an OTK?

Posted 22 February 2018 at 13:33 as a comment on I Only Want To Heal You


Starlit sanctum? x 1

Posted 29 January 2018 at 22:42 as a comment on Clerics


Muraganda Petroglyphs?

Posted 29 January 2018 at 21:07 as a comment on Mono-Green Beasts


Strategic planning instead of Anticipate, its 1 cent cheaper and it puts the other cards in your graveyard instead of the bottom of the library so you can more easily trigger toppelgeist's and moorland drifter's deliruim ability.

Posted 29 January 2018 at 18:22 as a comment on Budget Decks: Unfinished Work


Prey upon is a standard card, 1 mana cheaper than pounce, with the downside of not having dinosaur art FeelsBad.
Edit: Seeing as you have no turn 1 plays and no tap-lands x4 commune with dinosaurs would really thin out this deck well.

Posted 29 January 2018 at 01:48 as a comment on W/G DINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


I think 4 copies of Kari Zev might be too many for a legendary, I would replace 2 of them with fathom fleet captain.

Posted 22 January 2018 at 19:04 as a comment on RB pirates RIX


Hey I bought this deck and I really like playing with it, however think that it lacks good removal.
(unless you hold onto your counterspells which isn't always ideal)
Which is why I added x3 Expunge. Normally the deck cannot handle anything with more than 4 toughness but expunge is a great piece of removal, I was testing it against Experiment One's and as it prevents regeneration its great!
It works very well with abandoned sarcophagus because it has cycling you are able to cast it over and over again in your graveyard for Infinite value :D.

I also added x1 Decree of Pain a good sideboard card for tech against low toughness creature decks and a nice late game card too. Its a bit on the expensive side so maybe it wont fit into the budget.

Posted 25 October 2017 at 21:52 in reply to #607453 on Budget Decks: "Recycle, kids!"


riight i see, thanks

Posted 23 October 2017 at 07:59 in reply to #607789 on Orzhov midrange


I don't understand the point in flooded strand and bloodstained mire, maybe they could be replaced with swamps, plains' or more godless shrines and concealed courtyards. Bar that nice deck.

Posted 22 October 2017 at 22:57 as a comment on Orzhov midrange


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