urza's incubator.
join the club
I'd also run a playset of hedron crab.Mind funeral
this deck always confuses people when I play a pyromancer ascension as my only permanent. they don't get it. then I start bouncing stuff. then they get upset.My record is 20 consecutive turns, with my deck being completely organized, as I can rearrange everything via scry and then recur it with call to mind.
twincast. tome scour
I'm the same way. Go look at my infinite turn deck.
ain't that the truth. I have a upside on that as the bulk of my decks are on the back of index cards.
a douche-bag who locks your opponent out of the game.
you are welcome. that card has saved my hide so many times, actually any time I play tokens I run it, as it is so OP!
ditch curse of bloodletting for quest for the pure flame, it lowers the curve. a RDW should be finishing the game t5, not playing an enabler.Ditch the goblins for ball lightning and spark elemental, they're more powerful, and the sac effect won't matter long term.Run browbeat or howling mine in place of the gobby grenade to compensate for the loss of goblins.
I like it, but I agree with the guy below me on the creakwood leige, as it produces creatures to devour, which is amazing.
harrow, khalani heart expedition.
run it in place of the guildgate.also run lightning bolt, and sanguine bond
however, you are also running devour, which makes tokens, that should be doubled, particularly for mycoloth.
ditch cancel for counterspell. Diabolic tutor for inperial seal,
Ditch the crucible of fire for doubling season/parallel lives. Whichever you prefer.
also, ditch either the war hammer or sledge and run 2 of the other.
coat of arms, urza's incubator, ditch the hero's reunion for another reciprocate or path, and run three of the one you choose.
I missed that one when I was going through. keep it, and run lavaclaw reaches. that's a fun card.
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