
0 Decks, 126 Comments, 11 Reputation

leave some comments on my decks when u get a chance

Posted 24 October 2010 at 16:12 in reply to #94654 on budget firstround kill


this deck seems insanely fast, though it's very dependant on those shoals. i might replace some of the spells in here for bolts, or maybe the lands. you don't seem to need more than 20. just for early game control. you shouldn't need to play more than 2 lands, tops.

Posted 24 October 2010 at 16:11 as a comment on budget firstround kill


Suggestion: Howling mine to fuel forsaken cities. keeps you with card advantage, since ur opponent couldn't play much w the stasis in play. n brainstorm is restricted. only one allowed in a deck. maybe black vise helps you deal damage to a player that can't play things?

Posted 24 October 2010 at 14:59 as a comment on stasis


u need black creatures. ornithopter doesn't get demon o deaths gate out. unless im missing something...

Posted 18 October 2010 at 15:56 as a comment on 666


Why the reasembling skeleton?

Posted 04 October 2010 at 17:23 as a comment on Vengevine Sword


it's good to see renegade doppleganger used. you ever think of titans? Doppleganger loves titans

Posted 04 October 2010 at 17:22 as a comment on Vengevine Express


you mean infiltration lens

Posted 03 October 2010 at 09:45 in reply to #90212 on My Take On Infect


more crossraods and put in marsh flats or something. don't be scared of losing 1 life for them, that's nothing in a lifegain deck like this. Righteousness is rotating next week, so use condemn or something. soul's attendant is really good with ajani's pridemate, and multiples of them will cause multiple +1/+1 counters to stack. also i agree with Lucian Devine... true conviction will be a huge advantage for you. you could splash green for gladehart and fauna shaman and birds of paradise (and vengevine if you can get your hands on them) so you can get your soverigns out quicker.

Posted 25 September 2010 at 09:10 as a comment on Long Life...


where's your deck thining? or your card drawing? or your tutoring so that you get your combo off quickly? you need hand disruption or control will play the "I'm gonna counter everything" game. you need neither iron or leaden myr or strider harness. they're extra bulk. you gotta put more removal or early threats. fetchlands are always good to put into decks like this. i would also suggest to take out myr reservoir. i would put in bolts, grasp of darkness, inquisition of kozilek, and fetchlands.

Posted 25 September 2010 at 09:05 as a comment on Manabomb Myr


more mana ramping. arbor elf, birds of paradise, copper myr. you need a lot of mana ramping. A lot. also more fauna shamans would do you good. obstinate baloth should be sideboard, and you need to maindeck eveflowing chalice, and more than one. if you're going for the summoning trap angle, you need a higher density of huge creatures. four is not enough. you need something like 15 massive threats, like engulfing slagwurm or platinum emperion. more eldrazis would work too, pathrazer or crusher are the good ones. also artisan is pretty good (cause with fauna shaman you can discard the big eldrazi stuff and get em back with artisan). just keep workin on that mana curve, and lots of deck thining is always good.

Posted 25 September 2010 at 08:54 as a comment on ELDRAZI DECK STANDARD


okay, just putting vengevine into any deck doesn't make it better, and it's only called dradgevine if it's black. also, if you're planning to mill yourself with hedron crab, don't. it's the most ill conceived idea that has ever emerged in standard. just go for more solid things, like student of warfare, or steppe lynx. if your vengevine threat is removed, then you're basically running on support creatures and they're not gonna do the job. more threats, less support. that's my suggestion

Posted 25 September 2010 at 08:46 as a comment on bant dredgevine


take out ten of those lands and you have a solid decklist. what do you need 32 lands for?

Posted 25 September 2010 at 08:39 as a comment on zero control


harmonize. you must play harmonize if you want this to have a chance. it's not gong to be very consistent. maybe splash blue for fabricate? make all the wurms 3 ofs to make room for it? otherwise i'm not seeing this deck stand up to anything. or you could take out the gelatinous genesis for summoning trap. that would be infinitely better for you.

Posted 25 September 2010 at 08:36 as a comment on Slagwurm Genesis


seems expensive... have you considered eldrazi monument?

Posted 25 September 2010 at 08:28 as a comment on Bant Turboland


bloodhusk ritualist. mind shatter. you need to fuel your quests and empty their hands completely. those two will serve you well. also, think about nixathid

Posted 25 September 2010 at 08:27 as a comment on Double Megrim


why not ave fetchlands while ur at it?

Posted 25 September 2010 at 08:25 as a comment on Koth, Mountain Ruler


overrun in a jund deck? what are you smoking, because it must make you miss the triple green

Posted 02 June 2010 at 18:18 in reply to #67420 on Standard Pauper Jund


if you kick a rite of replication on a single excavator you will only mill 36. that's because five excavators enter the battlefield, so 6 abilities trigger 5 times (due to the five entering at once) each counting six allies. five times six is thirty-six. not 180.

Posted 01 June 2010 at 12:13 as a comment on 180+ Mill


terramorphic expanse, evolving wilds, fetch lands. you deffinitly need fetch lands to hit this off. and blitz hellion for speed. you can keep it on the field and it will kill blockers

Posted 26 May 2010 at 15:09 as a comment on Twas the Attack that Never Ends


I've been seeing this emerge as a control deck recently, and it is pretty successful. you should sideboard the set of duress, take out ruin ghost and put in celestial purge (Also in sideboard), and probably add intimidation bolt to the sideboard (1 or two, three tops), and you could look into Stun Sniper. Student of Warfare can be a better win condition than bushwhackers and are fundamentally better creatures. also you could try vampire hexmage to deal with super friends should this be a competitive deck. Board wipers. Anything you can get your hands on is good, tho you should try to get day of judgment. Planar Cleansing isn't terrible tho, just slow. also, you could try slave of bolas to get rid of stuff like baneslayers and eldrazi creatures.
take a look at some of my decks if you get a chance. i also take constructive criticism.

Posted 25 May 2010 at 14:06 as a comment on Oros Bushwalker


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