you can't have the sensei golden tail... it's white. otherwise this is cool
Why gravestorm? you're making them draw so much they're going to have something to discard and therefore something to exile. Smart players won't let you draw with that... try Chains of Mephistopheles. it's way better in this kind of deck. also font of Mythos? double howling mine.
mimic vat+Acidic slime
you know, i like it. it looks like a lot of fun to play. the only thing i might change is the manticore to inferno titan or masticore.
it's got a good build... tempered steel is almost unnecessary though, and i'd take it out for more removal or counterspells. Gideons should go for another one of each of the other two walkers too, h doesn't do much in this deck. the overabundance of one ofs is a little iffy, not sure without trinket mages... but i'm sure there's a plan. it looks lethal if it gets off
i like it with green but you can use nature's spiral instead of just glissa too. it's an uncommon, so it's good for casual. maybe if you want to go outside of standard with it, you could try to get eternal witnesses and use em with mimic vat.
this is silly enough to work. nice use of draco.
the only thing i would improve is the mana curve. you've got a good amount of counter spells, but i'd maybe take out deprive in favor of some chumpy creatures. I've had a lot of success with Lone Missionary, others prefer squadron hawk, and no shit, but making room for mimic vat is always good. at the very least, it draws out the lurking counter spell. i like it ...+1
inkmoth nexus doesn't really work that well... it's a 1/1 flying infect, then tezz makes it a 5/5 flying infect (which is awesome) but then it's just a 5/5 artifact creature when the ability wears off. when you activate inkmoth, it reverts to a 1/1 infect flyer. you gotta keep using tezz on it. while it's a 2 turn clock provided they have no flyers or removal, it's inefficient. i like the deck, but it just seems too fragile. jace is your most solid card, and while tezz is good, he's too little to rely on in this format. maybe do what the others have said and put in quicker creatures for tezz to work with and i'd even play prophetic prism. Now before you call me a bad magic player, think: it can trips, it filters, and it would be a 5/5 with tex\zz. creatures like that cost like 7 mana and you'd get it for two and some loyalty. i like the use of mox opal, but the legendary is a deterrent. darksteel ax was a good idea, and maybe dread statuary for a better manland base? creeping tar pit also, despite it's lack of artifactness...
okay... out with the expanses. play colonnade as a four of. glimmerpoint should be a four of. get rid of the golem, and maybe play more titans, a collar, and trinket mage. move bolt to sideboard... you're ony gonna fight avengers and titans in this format. you board em for goblins, knights, vampires, and elves.
you have the option to not get killed by board wipers. you need to splash black for hagra diobolist, then off genesis wave you can get enough triggers to wipe out your opponont
don't be fooled by demon of death's gate: it doesn't actually have synergy with anything in the deck. it's a beat down card (secondary to the bloodthrone). play it that way, and you should have no problems. it can still be countered. nice use of bolts! try to run blade
You need force of will.
Master transmuter personally
suggestion: Don't play temple bell.
mana leak. this should just be a vampire deck... death's gate isn't gud in this list
more relentless rats!!!!
why vector asp?
entity97 . . . still building decks
persecutor on a vat seems pretty mean. make the vat a 4 of, and you need 25 lands at least. the extra two makes a huge difference. i'm also seeing a lack of good removal, and the age of baneslayers was over when scars came out. i'd suggest doom blade, because black is not very played any more, grasp of darkness, and deffinitly some skin renders. those things are beautiful, especially on a vat. I'd lose the elspeths and the sun titalns honestly, and even the nighthawks, because it's all too cute. elspeth can only stall until she dies, cause almost no one cares about her ultimate (elves have monument, control plays about two creatures at a time on a good day) having mentioned that, the DOJs should probably be a two of. but 4 vats, lose the cute stuff for solidity, and all in all make it fun to play. you should check out some of my decks when you get a chance
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