Thanks a lot for the praise! I chose not to give them names so that the story would feel as if it were the cards themselves that were the characters. Also, in general I don't like stepping on other writers' territory, so I didn't want to accidentally walk into MTG: Innistrad cannon without proper praise to the names that were already given. Non-legendary's remain nameless and all... To be honest, your poem you wrote on mine inspired me to branch my own casual writing on this forum. I still go back and read your poem on my Inn of the Wolf's Moon deck comments. That was badass and as I fellow writer I greatly respected your talent there. :)
In Innistrad only play it picks up on 2nd and 3rd turns, unless I have a Stromkirk Noble to put early pressure. Otherwise its weak against control unless you get early pressure. It is strong against most zombie and spirit decks I've encountered, but in general it plays as a reliable, not overpowered tribal with a lot of flavor. I particularly like the Chosen of Markov in the deck, as you can use them to sacrifice in their human form, or 'grant' them what they've wanted and turn them into vampires for a cheap 4/4.
why? feedback is welcome, trolls can go suck one...
yes, the clones have the fading and copy effect, so left alone 1 becomes 2 and 2 become 4 and so on...
I prefer wall of hope because it synergizes well with converting dmg redistributed from shaman and pestilence into life and zero mana vs 1 white isn't much of a problem for me. My original deck ran dark rituals, but I didn't like them over any of the other cards in there. Also, funny you mention abeyance because I also ran abeyance but moved them out to the side board and replaced them with rebuff the wicked, THEN I replaced abeyance from my sideboard with silence. But both dark ritual and abeyance were in the original deck. Great minds think alike?
naw, that is too bad, mostly just run it around with my friends. But they all hate it cuz once it's set it pretty much dominates in single and multiplayer. My favorite part about this combo deck is it is NOT unbeatable, but still very fun and effective. Me and my friends HATE turn 2 or 3 win combo decks, but we LOVE to see a player pull off an elaborate or cool combo. So this deck gets a lot of props from my friends as a well balanced singe/mult-player combo deck they actually want to play against.
Looks fun, maybe a few more mana producing creatures. Maybe even add an elf theme for an early back bone, that with Animar will ramp you up really fast to get your big beaters. Cheap creatures to get counters on Animar and add mana while simultaneously reducing the mana cost will give you a severe advantage. Creatures like hydras with X-casting costs will receive a huge benefit as well.
by the way: this deck does just fine without stuffy dolls too. Pestilence, pariah + treacherous, or shaman en-Kor are plenty to get the job done too in any combination.
4 it is, I just don't like sitting with 1 stuffy in play and 3 more in my hand. I actually run 4 in my real deck, but I have run into that problem with too many stuffy dolls.
cool idea, think i'll include it
for reference here is Parker Perfect's deck. I am posting this so I have easy access to his deck list so that others can see as well. Please do not claim credit for this deck list as it is made famous by Richard Parker. 4 Darkslick Shores 4 Drowned Catacomb 14 Swamp 22 lands Creatures: 4 Diregraf Captain 4 Diregraf Ghoul 2 Fume Spitter 4 Geralf's Messenger 4 Gravecrawler 4 Phantasmal Image 2 Phyrexian Obliterator Other Spells: 4 Geth's Verdict 3 Mortarpod 1 Sword of War and Peace 4 Tragic Slip Planeswalkers 2 Liliana of the Veil Sideboard 1 Black Sun's Zenith 1 Cemetery Reaper 2 Corrosive Gale 1 Dismember 2 Go for the Throat 2 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Phyrexian Obliterator 2 Ratchet Bomb 1 Sever the Bloodline 2 Surgical Extraction
that is an excellent deck you recommended and adding more removal would be a good idea. I usually don't like very fast decks since I don't play tourny's very often. I prefer casual play so a deck that has something for every stage of the game, is versatile, and has a lot of flavor is something I prefer. However, I am definitely bookmarking Parker Perfect's deck for consideration and will probably change this deck to be a little more effective in certain areas. Thanks for the suggestion.
yea wasn't sure about the land spread, but haven't had too many problems so far since I only need 1 or 2 blue for the whole game. The gravecrawler is 3 because in early game 1 or 2 is fine and mid game to late game I only need 1 or 2 in the GW to recast for Grimgrin. But if you provide a good argument for keeping them in other than "they are good" I'll consider subbing out something.
1 of each sword of (...). they always useful, maybe not war and peace though.
I vote Chub Toad!!
What do you think about adding Vensur PW? Unblockable would get my guys through and help me with untapped lands for Cspells.
Sounds good, though I prefer more towards an Illusion theme (I personally love the idea of Illsionary dragons, Delvers are indeed much faster and dish out a lot more damage.
"LIKE" for yet another creative EDH deck!
excellent advice, I kind of did this one in a hurry so I haven't had a chance to play-test it. Gonna give it a try and tweak it a bit.
I agree about the duel lands. Guess I'll kick myself into sticking them in. I like arc trail as well, to me it's always a question over surprise factor of an instant (which this deck lacks) and sorceries. I think I will keep incinerate just to help me control the "spells cast" margin each turn. I'll look into whipflare over Rolling Temblor. Thanks for the advice.
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