I guess I see your point but I never change a deck souly based on others opinions if a suggestion is something I would do and makes sense then I will adjust it to fit within the deck and yeah it's gonna be great
you say it like I'm not doing this lol
yeah i was just looking for better mana ramp with convoke but servant is better
yeah it is going to be sick
the next set to be released
this is standard until khans of tarkir
i could also make it really a dick deck
they arent really that big of a deal there are mainly there for sire of insanity cuz master of the feasts is only a 3 drop
how long have you been playing?
oh so you only make decks on here with what you have i used to do that but now i try to make my decks what i want them to be on here
only 2 lightning bolts in a burn deck??!?!?!?!? what are you doing with your life???
im waiting for rtr to loose standard soi can make it scary and i play this -2 vraska's and have edited it so i have to make the changes here aswell
that has nothing to do with the mechanic
hhhhmmmm interesting take on this style of deck
i see now i didnt think scavenging ooze was that stupid lol
this deck sux lack of minotaurs and lack of speed it doesnt intmidate vme at all
i appologize i thought it was only MY graveyard ill look into scavenging ooze
that doesnt mean its good for my deck
world eater would be the only one
the add 1 life doesnt matter either
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