thats a big bum
why not buddy lands?
why not add suture priest????
very cool concept but i would expect more burn with the bridge so you can empty your hand either damaging your opponent or yourself and then they cant attack you
where are the blood artists?????????
then your not committed to the deck plus they are only like 9 $
running it in a dimir is actually a good idea if you have draw cards
OMG elixer is my signature card lol
very solid deck very agressive
yeah better
i would take out deaths approach for more mind grinds or mind funerals
I can play any deck correctly and I like making my decks flexible to withstand any situation just like how I play
Exactly my point I just have reason to believe you about anything
no you just are smart enough to not fight a losing battle
................................this kid is going to be the death of me
hahahaha if the deck was so successful than why arent you and your 100+ decks more popular?
i know i just wrotw one then thought of something else and then another lol
did you mean this deck?
besides gruul is not my main guild rakdos is my party
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