
13 Decks, 31 Comments, 5 Reputation

Sewer Nemesis could be good if you had a high enough density of creature cards

Posted 18 May 2016 at 03:22 in reply to #582426 on Sidisi, Brood Tyrant


Grisly Salvage might be a good addition. Could replace Mulch with Satyr Wayfinder. Wood Sage would be a fun.

Posted 18 May 2016 at 03:06 as a comment on Sidisi, Brood Tyrant


I'd swap out vigil for Llanowar Elves/ Birds of Paradise. I think 12 morph creatures is a bit too many. I think if you had 8-9 you'd be OK, which would free up room for more interactive cards for the lower end of the curve. I think Altars Reap could be cut for more interaction as well.

Posted 24 June 2015 at 02:24 as a comment on Morph



Vampire Hexmage and Thespian's Stage are faster ways than Aether Snap to remove the ice counters from Dark Depths if you are interested.

Also, 21 lands is a decent amount, but keep in mind the 4 Depths don't produce mana. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth could solve this. Also, you may want to take into consideration that you have many lands coming into play tapped, and only 13 basic lands for the Sulfur Falls or Drowned Catacombs. I'd consider some Sulfuric Springs, Underground River, or Shivan Reef as an alternative?

Posted 23 June 2014 at 22:36 as a comment on Dark Depths OP


I would keep IoK in the deck. You want to make sure you have proactive one drops and IoK removes a threat and gives you info on your opponents hand in regards to if they have removal for your Hexmage/Marit Lage token. Thoughtseize is somewhat better, the 2 life is often a fair trade for not having a CMC restricition.

I dont have any experience running Obliterators, but he seems like he would be a good way to force your opponent to answer him, which is one less removal spell for Hexmage/Token.

Posted 23 June 2014 at 22:25 in reply to #475535 on Dark depths Vintage fun


http://www.mtgvault.com/elting44/decks/cthulhu-loam/ It is by no means finished/perfect. It uses alot of cards that would be replaced had I had access to more expensive cards. But its fun to play and is kind of a rogue deck, although R/G and Jund Depths have been seeing some top 8s and 16s

Posted 23 June 2014 at 19:26 in reply to #475372 on Dark depths Vintage fun


You are on the right track, glad you liked my suggestions. I run a somewhat similar BG version of this deck, and it started out as mono-black. I used to run Lotus Petals for mana accel, and with a god-hand you can pull of a first turn win: A hand with Dark Depths, Lotus Petal, Vampire Hexmage, Dark Ritual, Dark Ritual, Rite of Consumption. Problem is you dont draw that very often :)

I have since added green to the mix, and play a more control deck rather than combo'ing out as fast as I can.

Posted 23 June 2014 at 16:36 in reply to #475372 on Dark depths Vintage fun


A couple of suggestions:

I feel like Thespian's Stage would be good to have one or 2 of. It works as a another way to remove the ice counters from Dark Depths (Copy Dark Depths, put the original with 10 ice counters in the graveyard due to legendary rule, the Thespian's Stage has 0 counters, sacrfice it, make your Marit Lage). Thespian Stage is tutor-able by Expedition Map if you have a DD in hand but don't draw a Hexmage. Thespian stage also can't be countered.

Grim Discovery is also a card to consider, lets you reload your combo pieces if they get hit by spot removal.

Shizo, Death's Storehouse gives your Marit Lage more evasion (nothing is worse than having Marit Lage chump blocked by a bunch of 1/1 Spirit Tokens, and Lingering Souls and Spectral Procession are a thing ) and taps it for black, and can be fetched with a Expedition Map. Rite of Consumption can be another way to win games where the opponent has chump blockers.

Posted 23 June 2014 at 07:05 as a comment on Dark depths Vintage fun


I think this deck needs 4x Duress, Its an affordable spell and the deck needs one-drops. Maybe's Raven's Crime?

I like the deck, you dont see the shadow mechanic played very often.

Posted 04 September 2013 at 01:25 as a comment on Budget Decks: Shadow


I like the changes, I would pull the Taste for Bloods, they only do 1 damage, and you want to make sure you are doing 2 every turn.

The Sign in Bloods are good, but keep in mind they are going to let your opponent draw to cards, I like them better if you are targetting yourself with it, to reload your hand, but then that doesnt put a counter on BCA.

I like where this is going

Posted 08 November 2011 at 22:31 as a comment on Bloodchief Ascension/Mindcrank - Comments and Ideas Welcome



Josh Mano was going to build this deck as a Red/Black deck, which I like because you have more spells that you can cast during your opponents turn to get the counters up faster.

This is the first Bloodcrank deck I have seen that uses Sleeper Agent, that is f'in genius!!!

I like this deck as mono black too. Here are some additions I would make:

Take out Demonic Tutors, they are banned legacy and people will QQ (especially me cause I a douchey like that), if you want a good cheap tutor, you could use Beseech The Queen, it costs one more, but since you are always going to be grabbing a 1 or 2 cost spell, you will have enough land to grab it.

I like Sorin's Thirst, and I would add Misery Charm, yeah the cleric res and cleric kill options blow(unless you are playing against Mother of Runes), but a one cost instant that can do 2 damage to an opponent is great, Both these cards can be cast during your opponents turn, which speeds up counters.

I also really like Bump In The Night from Innistrad, it is a sorcery which limits it, but a black lightning bolt fits in this deck. Imagine a turn 1 Dark Ritual, with BCA, Bump in the Night, and Sleeper Agent in hand, pretty sick

I would cut the small pox, it gives your opponent a way to ditch the Sleeper, and could make you lose your Nighthawk.

Let me do some research and see what else I can find. Love it so far



John Denver has small pox

Posted 08 November 2011 at 00:42 as a comment on Bloodchief Ascension/Mindcrank - Comments and Ideas Welcome


Hey Migga,

I would move the Beast Withins into the main deck.

Also the deck is pretty top heavy, there are alot of 4 mana spells and higher, and there are only 4 one cost spells. The mana ramp spells you have will help with this, but alot of draws you are going to be just playing a forest on turn one if you dont get a BoP.

Of the 16 cards that you have that are less than 4 mana, only the 4 one cost are creatures, the rest are ramp spells, this will lead you to having an empty board until turn 3/4.

Maybe swap out the BoP for some Llanowar elves, and then add some other low cost elves that make produce mana, and drop some of the ramp spells, that way you have some chump blockers.

Ill do some playing around with some ideas, and put something together in my deck lis

take is sleazy

Posted 30 October 2011 at 15:59 as a comment on Token green guy


Goblin Matron should be a 4 of.

Posted 04 October 2011 at 01:05 in reply to #203471 on Fast Legacy Goblins


you kill the blocker turn 2 with a cycled Gempalm Incinerator

Posted 04 October 2011 at 01:03 in reply to #204489 on Fast Legacy Goblins


This list is pretty close to the staple Legacy Goblin Deck.

It runs 3-4x Goblin Warchief and 4x Goblin Matron. It also runs 4x Wasteland and 3-4x Rishadan Ports

You want to cut the Goblin Grendades cause your Ringleaders will put them on the bottom of the deck. Goblin Matron is a must, it is a free tutor to any goblin you need at the moment.

You want to limit the non-goblin cards, you want all of your cards to be tutorable and valid targets to ringleader's ability (with the exception of the Aether Vials).

Mogg War Marshal is another great goblin card, so are Stingscourger and Warren Weirding.

There are some good articles written around the web about legacy Goblins, you are off to a good start.

Posted 03 October 2011 at 23:29 as a comment on Fast Legacy Goblins


I run spreading algae in my GB Hexmage Depths, I run into the problem that they just dont tap whatever land I enchant. So basically it only sets them back one turn's worth of mana. How have you gotten around this?

Posted 26 July 2011 at 23:24 as a comment on Dark Depths all day


See my GB Hexmage Depths combo deck for ideas. Yours is similar.


I agree with Maleficus, you need some sort of removal or discard, or your Marit Lage token will be bounced/exiled all day, or even worse, chump blocked every turn. Maybe add a Rancor to give Marit Lage trample

Posted 26 July 2011 at 23:11 as a comment on Dark Depths all day


Yeah, Awakener Druid cant turn Depths into a creature.

Posted 26 July 2011 at 23:03 in reply to #152171 on Call of Cthulhu!


This deck is capable of a first turn kill. I would agree that the Fate Transfer is best suited for UB Hexmage Depths, you can use Wind Zendikon to make DD a creature, then Fate Transfer....

But in the case of UB Hexmage Depths most use Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek as an alt strategy, rather than Fate Transfer.

Also I would add Urborg, Tomb of Yawqmoths, they help with mana flexibility but most importantly let you tap Dark Depths for black mana on turn 2 to make the combo go off.

I run a similar GB Hexmage Depths deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=201236

Posted 26 July 2011 at 23:01 as a comment on Call of Cthulhu!


If you add Lotus Petals, it can win on turn 1:

Hand : Dark Depths, Vampire Hexmage, Dark Ritual, Dark Ritual, Lotus Petal, Lightning Greaves, 7th card doesnt matter.

- Play Dark Depths
- Cast Lotus Petal, sac for {B}
- Cast Dark Ritual followed by Dark Ritual to net {B}{B}{B}{B}{B}
- Cast Lightning Greaves
- Cast Vampire Hexmage, sac to remove 10 ice counters from Dark Depths
- Put Marit Lage token into play
- Pay {0} to equip Lightning Greaves
- Attack for 20 damage
- Win

I have a GB Hexmage Depths deck that has a Marit Lage swinging on turn 3 or 4 pretty consistently.

Posted 26 July 2011 at 22:28 as a comment on DEPTHS IS DARK!!!


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