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Use Crop Rotation to tutor for the Dark Depths. Into the North works as well, but I like Crop Rotation better. I have a GB Hexmage Depths deck that I play with very often, its budget so I dont run Bayou/Tarmogoyf/Dark Confidant. I get a turn 2 or 3 token very frequently. There was/is a quite alot of Legacy decks that run a Eva Green shell with the combo in as a way to help the match-up vs Zoo. Mine is just kind of a Hexmage Depths combo
Alot of GB Hexmage Depths decks run Thoughtseize, Duress, or Hymn to Tourach as disruption.
I am that buddy, I started with Coiling Oracle and Winged Coatl, then I saw Lorescale Coatl and knew thats what I was building. What are your thoughts on running Brainstorm, not only because it is a great card in most decks, but it pumps Lorescale in the meantime.
Snape kills Dumbledore
I made a Fast Budget Legacy Infect Deck, It goes off around turn 3 pretty consistently, is fun to play:
Local competition? Like my elf deck? Or Josh's Angel Deck?
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