Appreciate the feedback, good catch on Urza's Filter. I've been building at a rapid rate lately (obviously huge money cards like the Mox stuff is proxied), so I have missed some errors like that. Our play group plays a custom form of commander with no banned cards whatsoever. I always start my decks with 40 lands and change that after test playing the deck a few times, but I will heed your advice on the land preemptively. Thanks for taking the time!
yes, all good additions. Been so busy building the commander cube.
We play Vintage commander, no ban list. We spent too much money to not use our cards...haha
I build first and edit over time. Sometimes everything doesn't add up right away. Joys of running over 100 decks, but a solid 20 are top tier.
I will put a lot of kicked cards in it eventually, but I simply don't have good enough ones right now. Hallar really just enabled me to build a Goblin-Elf deck, which is the primary focus. As with all my decks, I build them weakly to start and keep improving them over time.
Wasn't in there. Accidentally added. Thanks for catching that.
Rona is no princess that's for sure!
Thanks, missed that... Haha
I'm at 88 EDH decks now... Haha.... It's gonna get weird at that point
Definitely agree. Needs some work but I like the concept on this one. Should be fun to play once it's streamlined.
Yeah it's a weak new build, I'll be improving eventually. Thanks for the tips.
Good catch... Thanks
For sure. New build, just have not pumped it up yet.
Hahaha, thanks, I will follow suit when I get home.
I'm down. I'm shopping for cards now, I'll grab an Edris if they have it. Haha
Not yet but they will be, except the uncommon general. Thanks!
Hahaha. I want it to be a true Pauper eventually.
Keep in mind i build decks and improve them over time. You'll see some amazing ones amongst my oldest. I use what i have until I obtain better. I also enjoy having multiple tiers to match other people's decks for better or worse.
Oh vehicles are definitely going in. I currently have all my vehicles in another deck, Kurkesh i think. Just have to rework them. You're definitely right.
It makes sense for sure. This one needs a lot of help still. Door of destines etc..
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