I ran the original Borborygmos as my original RG general, but had problems with his high mana-cost. Switching to Stonebrow really helped my deck, and Borborygmos is still in the deck. Nice to see a deck built around the new one however.
You are one card short. Nice concept.
nice, thanks!
Thanks, needs some big boys though.
Thanks, that looks like a nice addition.
Thanks for the tips, yeah I plan on getting some big creatures in here for sure. Didn't know about Etherium, nice!
Sliver Legion is in there, but yes, I need the queen and Brood for sure.
Thanks, it's definitely one of my most competitive.
Interesting thoughts, thanks for the feedback.
Yes, you need 100 cards including your general for an EDH deck. For the remainder I suggest some counter spells, 10 more land and some mana-ramping. Good luck, nice sliver selection, I agree it should have Legion.
Primeval Titan now banned in EDH fyi....
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