So I guess the first question would be what to remove for the Frontline Medic? I'm guessing you want to remove Thrill-Kill Assassin?
Much appreciate the feedback!I'm playing Fortify because it allows you to finish a game on turn 4 even if a couple of your creatures gets blocked, it also seems good in an aggro matchup. As for the black splash i'm mostly playing if for the answers to control it puts in to the sideboard along with adding some really good spot removal from Hero's Downfall.I feel like having the 4 Frontline Medics mainboard to prevent cards like Sphinx's Revelation from happening just firmly puts them in the sideboard. If spells like that are breaking you, you're not winning fast enough. (this might just be personal preference at this point, I had considered playing 4 of them mainboard when i first began hashing out this deck.)I will do some playtesting with Mutavaults. Definitely an interesting play.I do agree that Thrill-Kill Assassin is pretty underwhelming but I personally feel like putting Daring Skyjek in instead puts almost my entire board in Electrickery range, which seems like the perfect answer to a white weenies deck and even the Mono Blue deck gets hurt pretty hard by an overloaded Electrickery.Judge's Familiar was in the deck when I had splashed blue, now i'd prefer to board in Sin Collector and Duress against control. Dryad Militant is essentially a Soldier of the Pantheon with a useless ability to me. Re-animator decks in standard are most likely bringing back permanents, not instants or sorceries. The 2 power is definitely nice though.I've considered spear, it would be taking the place of Ajani and Heliod, which for some people might be completely fine, but I enjoy playing them.Wall of text swings for game win.
Not to mention, if that creature happens to be a Precinct Captain it produces 2 White Soldier Tokens.
Mogis's Marauder, I decided that hitting for only 2 guaranteed wasnt enough to warrant a turn 3 play. Ajani can take a 2 damage creature and make it do 4 on turn 3 and if Ajani makes it to turn 4 adds 2 white for devotion.
Completely forgot about Fortify, I am still keeping at least a couple of Gods Willing in the sideboard as answers to removal till I find something I prefer better.
Interesting white weenies deck, i'm working on something similar.I'm curious what you're actually devoting for though? Being that devotion is in the title I figured there'd be a couple of Heliod, God of the Sun.
Deck has become White/Black because it just seems like a more fun play with better answers for control in the sideboard.
I do believe Dauntless Onslaught and Gods Willing are just too good as combat tricks or anti-removal to take them out regardless of what changes in the creature department.
I actually definitely agree, I use MTGVault to create a skeleton of a deck and get feedback on ideas before I aquire all the cards and play it in tourneys.This deck is going to lose a lot of it's Heroic creatures in exchange for more aggro facilitating things and possibly change to black instead of blue for some of the creatures mentioned above.
you're right i confused him with his spear. short term memory tends to be a bit impaired occasionally ;).my opinion on door of destinies remains unchanged though.
Definitely appreciate the constructive feedback. +1 all around.Black seems to be a really good idea here actually. It allows me to play Sin Collector and Duress/Thoughtseize in the board against control. Along with possible adds in Agent of the Fates, Mogis Marauder, Thrill Kill Assassin, Tormented Hero and Xathrid Necromancer. More playtesting to be done for sure.
I have definitely thought about Ajani, even if he dies, he still gave your board double strike and flying for 3 mana. I will do some play testing with both and see which works out better.Elspeth I think happens too late in the game. Most control decks will stabilize by the time you have mana to play her and just counter it or board wipe.
I actually disagree entirely with that. Precinct Captain produces White soldiers allowing you to use Brave the Elements on them to make them unblockable. They also provide chump blockers against other aggro decks and other attackers to allow Boros Elite's Battalion to happen a turn earlier.
My issue with Door of Destinies is that it doesn't start gaining counters till at least turn 5. Where Heliod immediately gives +1/+1 on turn 4 which could be near lethal.
Suggestions on who to swap out for it?
I've considered the spear but i feel like the vigilance from Heliod, God of the Sun acts as a very similar deterrent. Nobody wants to attack in to a board full of untapped stuff unless they can overload it.
i have Aqueous Form in the sideboard for against other aggro or midrange decks. I like hidden strings a lot im just not sure what gets taken out for it.
your judge is blatantly wrong. Ajani's +1 is an ability, not a targeted spell.
Newest Deck. Re-Animator!!
and i'm attempting to make this playable outside of the gimmick of a 1 shot kill. flopping around looking for the combo doesn't win games, where as proccing combos around 7 damage 3 times gets you much closer.
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